
It’s amazing that even while being Univisioned y’all can produce incredible work like this. Thank you.

What would you have them do, then? They got more eyeballs on the situation - they weren’t exactly asking for applause for putting in a minimum effort. Even if it was just a learning moment for THEM ALONE, that is still some progress. 

Did they ever say that?

They don’t especially give a shit about black fetuses, either, except to the extent that they can use them as political tools.

You ever try parking while looking out of two holes cut into a sheet?

Such wow!

Unfortunately he may have died in the fire because his giant steel balls wouldn’t let him get out of the tiny cab of the bulldozer.

This settles the MJ vs Lebron debate for me. MJ was weak by giving guys like Ewing and Barkley their talent back after defeating the Monstars while Lebron shows killer instinct and doesn’t give it back to Fultz.

Wonder if Gundy applies that logic to himself when he left Maryland for a better gig at OSU.

If you have young techs abusing the test drive, then you have a business culture that allows employees to do whatever they want as long as it’s not in front of the customer. If you run a tight ship and all the employees know what’s expected of them and that any serious infraction (like taking a customer’s car over 90

Come at me all fuckin’ day, dipshit right whinger trolls. I’ve got the quickest dismiss trigger in all of Splinterdom.

“We will, however, never tolerate a reporter placing his hands on a young woman just trying to do her job

But VAR totally ruins the game. ;)

As always, nothing riles up idiots faster than daring to not “RESPECT A TROOP!”

i think it’s neat that i have a better jumper than an NBA starter

Yeah, but not the RIGHT KIND of diverse...

Anyone who thinks this is a problem is a true moron. Overwatch’s heroes are pretty damned diverse.

Know what? Fuck it. It’s ‘Ye.

That’s fantastic.... All I know is I want that jacket my guy on the right is wearing....

Check out this guy!!