I am not seeing this at all :/
I am not seeing this at all :/
Didn’t recognize the typo and Deadspin doesn’t let me edit or delete my comment. I’m sorry.
Good old making fun of people that were murdered. This is what the world needs more of. Classy people like this.
I have personally boycotted watching watching OWL until there is a female on at least one team. They like to tout there “diversity” but I’m having trouble seeing it.
Josh Hart was drafted by the Lakers...
Platypuses are not mammals. They are monotremes. They lay eggs. I’m not joking.
It’s RBF not BRF.
I couldn’t watch this after she made the abortion joke.
Something like this recently happened in Chattanooga, Tennessee but with basketball players. http://wate.com/2016/01/08/dis…
His or her, not their. Let’s at least have good grammar in the title.
Still miss Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life. Best game of my childhood.