matthewyesitis .

I've rented mad digital movies and bought decent amounts of TV in lieu of cable, but yeah. Would rather have physical, especially because Amazon video seems off-speed every once in a while.

Bullshit, there are plenty of low-brow people watching low-brow stuff, and not the other way around.

Book ones lol. That would be ballsy.

Spoilers! I read the book, so I don't mind (ahem), but spoilllers…

Great example. His speech made the scene, whereas the scene itself would have been more slapstick, likely.

Maybe, who knows. I'm not into the scene enough (har har) to say, but great plays could be happening, like great movies coming out when you're not informed about them and think it's just Marvel and remakes. (And Hamilton, the soundtrack at least, is awesome, though I get the difference between that and Death of a

"Last week I saw Ms. Congeniality 2. It wasn't as good as I thought it was gonna be."
-Zach Galifianakis

"Jesus Christ!"

My favorite skating death song is "Heaven is a Halfpipe."

I've wanted to finish Cell (the beginning didn't grab me, save for the character stuff with Clay), but anyway, I associate "1408" with greater King, if itself only "good King." Everything's Eventual is fantastic. Great, acerbic prose. I could read those stories forever.

Or sentence, but it felt like a whole passage.

Was that really the end of the book? The Simpsons made that passage classic, whether or not it was.

-Stephen King

Maybe. Although while the signal seems dependent on the network, cameras are accessible without being connected. So affecting the camera seems invasive rather than defensive.

What the fuck. Ugh. Also, I never thought I would need to buy anything other than an iPhone. Suddenly, my next phone is going to not be an iPhone. Nice win, Apple. (Assuming other phones might not be affected. And if they are, isn't that tresspassing on other companies' rights?)

I used to think that way (and still feel some remnants, maybe). Just being defensive about not feeling welcome in or having been following sports. More about whether you disliked "jocks," really, about "coolness." Childhood wounds. Playing Final Fantasy X, where they talked about how blitzball helped people when they

Season two was good, but I felt that it went almost cartoonish with the darkness. Vee came across more Bond villain than inmate. My most uneven season. Haven't watched the new one, though. Orange Is the New Black has trouble pulling me back, every year.

Inside Llewyn Davis and A Serious Man as my black sheep, then No Country, maybe.

Not necessarily vanity. They probably felt the changes served the film. Rough territory, but worth walking if you're sure. I get why it's annoying and heartbreaking losing the original film, though. But I get the Coens' motivation.

Gavin's response to that was classic.