matthewyesitis .

The entire Wu-Tang Clan, plus Cappadonna and Streetlife. I saw them once, four or five, and the acoustics were crappy and it wasn't that great. But it was life-changing to see In Rainbows Radiohead, and I feel Wu-Tang could have been as good if they were all still alive and together.

Nice throwback reference (I forgot about those data discs for the Internet—they were everywhere!), and yeah, Def Jux was my favorite ever. Aesop Rock being my favorite or so rapper, I am a fiend for deep, strange lines, and this one was more bragging than other lines from Fantastic Damage. I feel like once you're on

A poem in itself.

Sounds like a good walk. I once walked through early-AM Boston to the airport with Take Care playing, and it was the best morning of my life. FD seems like similarly consummate nighttime music.

Oh my god, beautiful. I feel prone to having trying, bad trips, and having such sludgy, bad-times music would help because it would feel like sinking into the negativity rather than trying to fight your way into some happier place.

Love this album, though it took me a while to get past feeling like it was just sludge (I enjoyed ISWYD quickly, my introduction to El-P back in the day, but this one felt like work, similar to Supreme Clientele, which I fucking adore and stand in awe of but had to play many times to get on the page of). What a great,

Is this not the latest of many times people have made Trump-Putin jokes, anyway? I feel like there have been blowjob jokes.

Hate when people do that.

I also thought, immediately, "That's really cheap for coffee and chicken." The chicken thing seemed like a regular option, not a little side, and I was scanning the menu for comparisons.

"Some little details we might keep in mind as the season progresses: The marked casino cards that David the investigator is using to play solitaire (to prevent cheating, Chuck notes); 'trajectory' in the word search Gus’ bored operative is doing at the meeting site; with bottle-cap collecting, 'the pleasure’s in the

I did like it, though not in a really full way. I enjoyed it and respected the emotional depth and cinematography (and acting—it was a good movie all around), but it felt a little more average to me in some way.

I doubt Arrival will be remembered much longer. I think it never really stuck in the first place. It's good, but it just seems like the movie you'll see a poster for on IMDB and think, "Oh yeah, that was out one time." (Great sick-burn line, by the way.)

I think we have to acknowledge the difference between being racist in depictions of characters and depicting racism. In my opinion, and that's what this is, but even so, the liquor store owner pulling the gun depicts racism, whereas the owner's minstrel-show-of-Eastern-Europeans minimization of his own is racist.

I love that process, when it happens in my own life. "That episode was meh," or perhaps more, "Yeah, that was that," and then you dive deeper into it, and it's just like, "Wow, this is really good, and I knew it, but I didn't know it yet."

I love Nintendo, but I recently sold my Wii U in making room for having a 3DS and getting to all the PS4 stuff I've bought but haven't played enough of… which house-cleaning could make getting the Switch feel conservative enough to be okay. I never finished Twilight Princess, but now that I don't have it anymore, once

I would love to see a Goldeneye-style story with Daniel Craig. Imagine him going against Trevalyan. He would be perfect. And you mean Blood Stone as in the video game? Seems to cover interesting ground.

True, there does seem to be a jump-cut there, especially since Quantum takes place right after Royale. Maybe if they went back and made one more movie between them, Quantum and Skyfall? That might preserve the amazing conclusiveness we have with Spectre while giving us another Daniel Craig movie.

And the rest. I think he really gets emotional development through his run, with Spectre showing him exhausted in his role, elder statesman after a short period of time. Proverbial presidential run.

This is supposed to be funny, right? A spoof and a goof?

Interesting. I liked the first Now You See Me, but it was definitely just passable. The second (which, thanks to the AV Club, I realize had the chance for THE PERFECT title), which I rented a month or two ago, was the first time I saw a movie, perhaps a big moment for me, where I thought, "This acting seems