matthewyesitis .

Thank you, I thought that monologue was genius. "Show don't tell" doesn't work there. Unless you're gonna say all of dialogue and theater are bullshit. "Monologues? Show, don't tell!"

Great review, and great episode. Woods's delivery of the faith line crushed me, as did the writing behind it. Loved the "odyssey of bullshit" Erlich spun. Magnificent performance, writing, and plotting.

Worth mentioning. We're doing well to note where countries make mistakes, but things have gotten much better for more prominent ones, reflected by the relative peacefulness of what we're criticizing.

Beautiful album. Cohesive stuff.

For the record, making fun of abstract lyrics because you haven't interpreted them is lazy, not incisive. "A light hits the gloom on the gray" seems pretty evocative to me. Gray being between black and white, often representing life not being straightforward but muddled, evokes depression, but Seal's lover shines into

Me too, I loved Pennsatucky last season. This redemption material usually makes for the most powerful character stuff (from Rectify's Ted Junior to Mad Men's Pete Campbell), and Pennsatucky was another character I thought would never be more than rephrensible, but it's been so powerful how she's shifted into someone

Glad that OITNB keeps growing. I've kept expecting stagnation, but we keep getting better seasons. How could they improve on season three? Guess we'll see. (And I'm not sure where this season three backlash comes from. Incredible, sublime season.)

Me thinking this was for the American Office: "What the—yes!" Me seeing Ricky Gervais: "Oh…" Me thinking about a mundane British Office movie: "Hmm…" Me reading about the rock star thing: "Guh…"

I'm loving my Wii U (cherishing it), but this is heartening even so, though this mid-cycle-new-console trend feels irksome. Anyway. Now I just have to get through the Metroid Primes, Twilight Princess, and a few other games before March comes back around.

Granted, I haven't listened to a lot of them, but what I've heard have mostly been techniques to help people increase awareness, become more efficient, ease their stress, etc. Guess if we're bringing this into neoliberalism (whatever that means), we're talking politics, not wisdom.

I get the skepticism, but I think TED Talks are good barometers of positivity in our culture. People speaking wisdom around the world. That sounds like a good thing. It might be cynicism underneath people saying otherwise ("I'm unhappy, so why do these assholes want to help?").

The Mr. Bean one is insanely good, but the others are only okay.

I saw someone on Facebook posting about a Supernatural video game. While I'm ambivalent about the show, its charms are perfect for video gamedom. Bring us through the entire series or cover thematic ground while proving Skyrim/Grand Theft Auto conventions deliciously effective for getting players the experience of

Same here, thought that would help. Oh well, oh well…

I love these articles, but that progress bar on the video won't go away. Anyone else seeing this issue? Hate to turn this into the IT Club, but I really want to watch the clip and haven't been able to enjoy it with part of the screen blocked. Bleh.

Ah, I bought that (but really for the Wii U), and then I thought, "Crap, I've gotta get Galaxy One again and actually beat it before playing the other one," and then I got overwhelmed and traded them both in to clear my head and gamespace. Now I'm thinking I might want to play the second one day. Actually, my secret

Thank you for this. I wanted to love Prime, but I felt vaguely uncomfortable playing it, overheated, achey. Same feeling with Mario Galaxy and the compulsion to collect the star bits: the game burdens itself with bullshit.

It's incredible, but you have to be on board. Similar to A Serious Man.

Where's DeLillo? Good quote: "And the species factually absent from the scene—except for me, of course, and I was barely there." But I love these, anyway.

Wasn't this just in season this winter? I love the show, so not complaining.