matthewyesitis .

I thought it was supposed to be a joke. Then you opened up the nonjoking realm.

Love Craig, love Bond, love life.

Was that in the Eminem song?

Season two forever. Not as good, but really emotionally deep. Hell of an aura.

I liked the Susannah stuff where she controls herself from her own cockpit, so to speak. Was the sixth book where that happened? Cool stuff. I'm eager to read them again.

Would expect nothing less from the Dark Tower.

You might want to listen again. He has some really deeply felt lyrics, and a lot of them are like koans.

I would say Drake's always been artistic. "Shut It Down" is glorious (foreshadowing the highs of "Crew Love"), as is "Fancy," and So Far Gone is full of great Drake moonlight. "Lust for Life" and "Say What's Real" are stunning, the latter admittedly Kanye production I think from 808s, though the context changes it.

I think the cover art might have shaded people's perceptions of it. Sort of did mine, and imagine the album with richer colors on the cover.

It was a slow grower, but I've recently been getting into the more claustrophobic songs (and I've long gotten into some of the others); similar sound to James Blake, really intense, but damn great.

Unbelievable. Aesop Rock leaves Earth behind while smoldering here alone.

"Maintenance"'s hidden track on Aesop Rock's Daylight EP. Oh man.

Which I've been inching through. Sort of like poetry. Read some, read some later.

White Noise is beautiful nothingness.

Beautiful article. Love Harry Potter, especially the Christmas stuff. My friend who may not have read the books told me that seeing the movies every year as they came out was his family tradition, and that's magical.

Haha was that a season two quote? Anyway, yeah, season two resonated a lot with me. Roughness and all.

I loved the Dark Tower ending. Symbolically potent and really in keeping with the metaphysical undercurrents.

Season two's gonna be the next whatever-people-realized-was-really-good-a-few-years-after-bashing. Not sure what else has been that way (La Dolce Vita?), but season two really got me deeply, whereas season one was awesome but didn't emotionally affect me.

The second season was good. The first season was just much more polished and coherent. Sum of its parts, though, and scene for scene, season two had a lot of emotional power that season one skimmed over.

I actually think the other foot was underrated.