I never played the first one, anyone really hyped for this at all?
I never played the first one, anyone really hyped for this at all?
These addiction stories are really cool.
Is it ok to be against rape but still think this sucks
Says the person no-doubt using it. Keep on crutchin’.
Best part is how is a person supposed to retaliate after that. Even if he killed one and teabagged him its just not the same.
Meet the Celestial Nighthawk, one of Destiny’s newest helmets and perhaps the most lethal boss-killing device in the…
“I know how I’ll get this girl to like me I’ll ruin her and her family’s life!”
The Honey Badger Brigade, a group of men and women sympathetic to men’s rights activism and calling itself a…
I may never recover.
Honestly, for the week or so I played it... I actually liked it a lot. Thought it was a fun, cheeky title.
Basement-dwelling virgin subculture needed some way to empower itself, and I guess that way was sending terrorist threats to women for talking about video games. It would be good for a laugh if not for the lives it’s ruined.
Why you guys never accept my subscription? :(
I know it's like they want to inform us of something what a buncha dicks...
I laughed when you called video game Youtubers “creatives”.
more proof that people that work at game stores are like the worst neck beardiest people alive.
I appreciate your attempt at humour but I think it was overdone and not particularly funny in my opinion.