Gotta keep the Quinn/Carrie fire alive even when they’re not in a real
scene together—she yells at the hallucination-Peter, “Because you care
for me!?”
Gotta keep the Quinn/Carrie fire alive even when they’re not in a real
scene together—she yells at the hallucination-Peter, “Because you care
for me!?”
It’s the dark circles under her eyes.
“Dysfunction does not begin to describe the magnitude of the problem here.” – Director Lockhart, going meta about the Homeland writers’ room
I think everyone on Team America understands Mission Before The Man, but this episode seems to be the one in which they all let go of any illusions they had that Carrie Mathison cares about any human life not her own.
Whether anyone but Pakistanis and Afghans should care about Haqqani is a completely fair question, but if you answer that anyone else should, then taking him about really might amount to something. He is essentially a fictionalized version of the head of one of the two jihadi snakes in the region: http://en.wikipedia.o…
— Claire Danes is continually great, and it was nice to see her finally push back at both Fara and Quinn for being the most pantywaisted spooks in the history of the Agency. —
“Some of them are wicked. IN BED.” – Carrie Mathison
Chief of Station is an administrative post, right? Point being, while Carrie is out screwing hot young med students, there are reams upon reams of paperwork going undone!
Did anyone else think the portrayal of Max was totally inconsistent with previous seasons? He always struck me as kind of Special Needs-y prior to last night.
I know it is a bit of a fanwank on my part, but I am looking for reasons to buy back in on the show…
I think it was meant to establish an air of surrealness, too, or at the very least it was used ironically. Carrie Mathison is _anything_ but jolly, good, or a fellow.
Really? I would have thought that with a handle like “McPickleshitter” that you would have been blessed with insights well beyond those of the ordinary man!
The commenters who are talking about what a disappointment this episode and season this were are probably also holding out for Syd from Alias or Astronaut Mike Dexter as their life partner.
Así como Don Vicente Fernández, Fausto Galvan sigue siendo el rey.
I think Eleanor has 0 fucks to give at this point.
“he he” – Lt. Hank Wade, giving the fascist cop signal of approval
Yes, I know. In actuality she would never have gotten in. Anything more than a cursory background check would have turned up things like her manic episode in college and her father’s history with the disorder.
Were we supposed to sense that Adriana was trying to avoid tension and confrontation over Lucy’s parents’ disapproval of their relationship (and, I am assuming, of any relationship might have with a women)? I think so, may, but like you say we have had precious little time with the two of them.
You are correct. Please amend my comment above so that “a mental illness diagnosis” reads as “diagnosis with a mental illness or neurological disorder.”