Matthew Timothy Bradley

Agent Origami Unicorn

Jeeezus, Quinn!

A military professional could do a much better job, but my understanding is that, among other things:

Imma be pedantic and point out that a Marine would never have called that guy a sniper. Maybe "shooter" or "marksman," but he was no sniper.

The more villainous she gets the more I want to twirl her mustaches.

Something about Tasneem makes me feel super uncomfortable. A little help here?

Wouldn’t be kosher.

Am I the only one who takes the time to quip around here?!?

I hope God really does love the Marines, because the Director of the CIA (imaginative chain of command, that) just sent them out to the unsecured scene of a moments-ago RPG attack in the beds of pick-ups.

Hydra’s body armor is absolutely for shit.

Agent Made Me Cry During Black Mirror

Little Master Bruce and Selina were cute as hell together.

I assure you that you could not possibly be. And with her hair down, geez.

Do not doubt that Inter-Service Intelligence is in possession of kompromat on Prince Harry.

Nice bachelor pad, Colonel! On a Pakistani Army salary?

Less flippantly, the 1985 Chicago Bears locker room was apparently dysfunctional as all hell. And they managed to ply their trade well enough.

The men and women in that writers’ room are our last, best hope of this series not turning in an utter and complete shitshow. God help us all if they fail.

No lo cojes tan a pecho, ’mano. But you have piqued my curiosity. Where exactly did I state that I find the writing horrible?

Important to remember that Carrie's mind was responsible for the delusion in question.

She did hit it! Thought she did, anyway.