Matthew Stechel

masterpiece would be exaggerating but "not as bad as its rep has it as being" was my take for the record. (Its schmaltzy to be sure, but Robin Williams tries, and its not nearly as schmaltzy as Patch Adams to be sure)

masterpiece would be exaggerating but "not as bad as its rep has it as being" was my take for the record. (Its schmaltzy to be sure, but Robin Williams tries, and its not nearly as schmaltzy as Patch Adams to be sure)


what the world needs now is Tim Gunn Sweet Tim Gunn…its the only thing that there's just too little of…

I remember Chase being watchable enough. I don't know, it would've made a good pairing with Rizzoli and Isles over on TNT from what i remember about it.

I enjoy it quite a bit….i don't know if i'd use the word Love, like I Love NCIS, but i do like Blue Bloods a lot…although i'll admit it is sometimes frustrating to see one and be like I know I've seen this but i can't for the life of me remember what happens! (In contrast to NCIS where i always remember what happens!)

Of course I remember it—I watched it every single week and was actually slightly upset when it was randomly cancelled in the middle of December 2003 without getting a chance to wrap itself or the various plotlines that had been going on for that season up.

The actor who was playing the character who thought he was Hannibal Lecter was Michael Emmerson if i remember right too! (I think he was even wearing the same glasses he would wear as Harold Finch on Person Of Interest—but that could also just be my memory inserting a pair of glasses on his face)


The Road To Wellville was the movie with Hopkins, Broderick, and Cusack…(you knew Princess Caraboo, but not Road To Wellville?!?!?)

The Hillary Swank movie was a Western called "The Homesman" from 2014 with Tommy Lee Jones. My mom really liked the book it was based on, but yeah i don't think anyone there got it.

You are right on on both movies—I was a little surprised that more people didn't get Princess Caraboo—got that one right away—and no one else on the team had heard of it apparently which made me go really? i…really? (I had forgotten that Cates had a small part in I Love You To Death but fortunately someone else had

what i don't get is he's gone his entire life without having any like nazi sympathies or shit like that rumored about him (I get that his dad is a very different story, since he was arrested in a rally back in like the 30's or 40's?) but Trump himself has lived a very, very, overly so, public life, so for him to throw

"Idiots, I knew it was them all along, even when i knew it was the bears"

In terms of general questions, there were some good tricky ones in there that were really like "huh I don't know the answer to this" such as "What was the last movie that Hillary Swank was in before Lucky Logan comes out this week" Our team was going back and fourth on this for the duration of the round before just

Movie trivia tonight—-there were some tough rounds happening which caused us after a nice early lead to plummet to 5th place tonight at the end of the night. (Damn You 5th Place!!!) I blame a thoroughly challenging guest round—BUT i liked the concept of it very, very much…it was highly conceptual and I genuinely

Finally caught up on SUITS over the weekend—-i did not know that Dule Hill is now a member of their firm. Somehow Suits managed to import Gus over from Psych!!! (Did the Suits on Suits just happen to run into him at the USA commissary or what?) Anyways there's a new episode of it on tonight.

see this is where our age difference comes into play because i was in 5th-9th grade when it was originally airing (it only aired for 5 seasons) but because it came on immediately after The Simpsons in its first season on the air…it was pretty impossible to ignore (not to mention the fact that it was also insanely

I was actually out for most of the day topping it all off with movie trivia at night, and i still did not hear anything about the press conference until my friend called me on my way home close to midnight and was like "do you believe this shit?!?!?!?" and i was like "wait what happened now???" "Uhh i take it you

2 episodes of Salvation on tonight as CBS continues to burn off the show.