Matthew Stechel


oh for sure…i again can't believe Trump would be this openly stupid as to say half the things he said in his press conference…this is totally of the "lose the support of those officials who have had your back thus far in your political career" level stupid here.

The Trump Identity
The Trump Supremacy
The Trump Ultimatum

uhh i'm surprised….i thought he'd be uhh what's the word i'm looking for here…smarter than this….i know, i know, smart is not a word you'd ever associate with Trump on even his best day, but i'm legit surprised he straight up said half the things he said here….like is he purposefully trying to drive that 30 something

Hey I will not just sit idly and have you bash the fine upstanding man known as George Jefferson….Now we all know that George had his share of flaws, but he was most definitely not a rapist, and furthermore would never even consider kissing another woman other than Louise (Weezy!) I;ll still proudly stand up and salue

awwwww…i moderately enjoyed it! Moderately Enjoyed It!!!

i own the first season on dvd for some reason—i think i found it dirt cheap, either that or someone gave me their old copy, can't believe i would pay any $$$ for it because its on BET and MTV 2 like all the time. Its a show that has never gone away to be honest, so i'm surprised you've only seen a part of one episode.

The new boy in the neighborhood lives down the stairs and its understood…he's there just to take care of me…like he's one of the family…Marlon In Charge…Of our days and our nights…Marlon in charge of our wrongs and our rights…and i see I want Marlon in charge of meee

I co
You co
We all co for Franko!

Oh right there's new episodes of Suits and The Sinner on USA tonight.

Well time to go watch 227 reruns via Antenna TV.

Oh right questions——uhhh what was the first movie that Stanley Donen and Gene Kelly co-directed together? We foolishly said Singing In The Rain…but it was NOT Singing In The was this movie!

Trivia tonight—-it was a tie between my team and our chief rival team…and what they do in a tie breaker is that each team picks a representative to go up to the front and basically the host gives us an actor and we each of us one at a time have to name a movie from their filmography and it seems easy…but its very,

Designing Women! CBS!


Salvation! CBS!

i'm thinking Kinja—North Korea has threatened us before—i think?

the new Entertainment Weekly's review of it was literally "Should anyone really feel the need to watch this show???" (the answer in the C grade review was basically—not really—but that won't stop me from checking it out on demand if and when i can remember to do so at some later date!)

Do campaigns count? Cause John Kerry got slimed pretty damn good in '04.

its too bad cause it was a really solid show—very strongly written, and pretty damn watchable…even the reruns of it that they had paired up with new episodes these past couple of weeks proved to be quite re-watchable. This show I hate to say it cause i kept saying it about Rosewood and look how that turned out—but