
I snagged not one but two TWO! yellow Crazy Eddie t-shirts from my dad about a year ago—I wore one back in the summer and my mom couldn't believe I had a crazy eddie shirt. (she's sadly the only one who commented on it tho)

I've always wanted to see "Elves" Now I'm jealous!
I also have video footage of myself at 12 performing—but its Aerosmith's "Its Amazing" instead of Sunglasses At Night. (shakes head)

this is a show that i badly wanna catch up on. Love Chris Elliot—loved Get A Life—-why i havn't already caught up with it is something i keep asking myself from time to time.

i've wondered before why avlcub has never seemed to cover Haven—i don't just mean reviews—i mean they never even mention it in passing in their "what's on tonight" column. Not that its on anymore having wrapped its season back in december—but it is frequently as complex and as character driven as anything else they

You should all watch The Neighboors on ABC because if its not gonna get more viewers on friday nights (and its probably not) it should get a lot more buzz so abc will think twice before wondering if they should cancel it and move something else to friday nights between tim allen and shark tank.

i don't know—i agree with you that its definitely not self improvement by any means and it won't help you achieve anything—- i already watch way way way too much (and i'm continually trying to catch up on new stuff that's out that i've already missed—hell i spent the better part of the week before last watching 3

i'll bite—what is steven universe? i ask because i already am watching ground floor and its all right enough.

you think that's bad? back in i think it was 05 and 06—i tried watching the bulk of the series during weekend syndication which would run two episodes usually at odd hours either during the afternoon or late night hours—unfortunately after that first month the local channel it was running on more or less completely

What’s wrong with the men in America today? All these skinny-butt-jean-wearing fucking lame men. I mean, really, what the hell?
worth reading just for imagining that being said in his voice. love it!

I remember The Burning Zone!!! (it wasn't that good but i loved UPN's continually attempts at making it seem like a scary show during their ads for it)

Immobile Frantic Chickens
Inmovable Federal Commitees
Immaculate First Children
Incredible Flouting Changelings!

International Frankfurter Convention
Irritable Fraiser Crane
Irrationaly Fastest Cheetahs
Interestingly Fed Chimpanzees
Increasingly Farting Columbus
Intestinal Future Colon.
Ice Fucking Cream. (or i suppose Ice Fucking Cube)
Isolating Fur Cucumbers.
Isometric Furniture Climbers
Island Folk Cannibals
Indonesian French

it helps that the show has barely moved anywhere plotwise since the end of the pilot.

if it means anything i spent a lot of this past week going thru the 36 episodes of the show that were available on demand. finished literally two hours ago so i'm set for tonight—even tho i'll probably be watching hostages just to see if my fearless prediction regarding the series twist pans out (I fearlessly predict

that's funny—i've also always meant to read the book since i nabbed it at a library book sale (god) 13 years ago now! its now firmly shelved in my mom's basement alongside a bunch of other old paperbacks that were turned into mini-series (mainly just Shogun tho i think the winds of war is down there too) but i still

mmmmm broadcast media.

he was literally good in anything he would appear in—if you've never seen it you should really check out Prizzi's Honor from 1985—Hickey absolutely steals the movie and even nabbed a best supporting actor nomination from the oscars that year. (There was a period in time probably the early to mid 90's that he seemed to

to be fair i'm not sure the movie got that many positive reviews when it came out if i remember right. trying to remember if siskel and ebert gave it a good review now.

love his fake social security number
you gave me one too many numbers
take out the 5!

ohmygod yes. seconded. truly. hell it re-teams him with Carl Reiner for god's sakes!