
my dad took me to see this when it came out in theaters and i was 8. I remembered liking it a lot then although having seen it on vhs many times afterwards i realize there's no way 8 year old me could have gotten a lot of the jokes and one liners here! I still vividly remember liking it tho. (i also remember getting

its worth noting that even his "bad" movies from the 90's are still worth checking out—by which i mean Mixed Nuts. I revisited it a couple years back and i still think its pretty underrated despite some tendencies to go broad and overly wacky in parts(which is probably because Adam Sandler is in it in a supporting

mostly by lying about your age i'd imagine. (that and a fake id could probably help at least with the living wage part—the medical coverage part might be harder to obtain)

and of course 9 years (9?) of One Tree Hill. 9 years really?

yeah but unlike sean saves the world—i could've seen this working (relatively speaking) in a programming block that included community and parks and rec. it doesn't entirely stick out the way sean saves the world does. I'm not even sure why nbc didn't swap the timeslots for this and sean since this would've even made

very much agree with this. i honestly can't believe that anyone who watches an epiosde could fail to see why its been a big hit for many years now—or why it caught on in reruns on usa the way it did. the characters never feel like automotons i guess is how i would put it.

i also never really liked her as a character if only because she seemed too stiff and rigid—this was supposed to be a character who was seriously involved in a fairly lenthy term relaionship with GIbbs—there should've been more of a sense of humor there then their ended up being. I'm not saying i didn't like her, but

NCIS theme club remix will hit no 1 on the drum and bass chart before you know it!

see she's good—but i also feel like they've done a decent to reasonably good job giving the other characters reasonably believable character behavior that fits their established personas. Like when they dive into the Chris O Donnel's character (whom of course is prone to being as tight lipped as possible when

that seems to be the case with the people i know who have taken to NCIS but to this day cannot get on board LA. (meaning a friend of mine, that friend's parents, and a neighbor of mine) I've actually come to like LA over the years though—i think their episode of the week storylines are a lot more convoluted than

i'll second this. there's a reason why hetty keeps putting her out into the field every so often.

well in defense of that line—its meant to sound as authentic coming from the mouth of a character in high school—and it absolutely does as most people in high school just can't see themselves as older (speaking from his own experience at least)

my mom is still working—she's on the very outer edge of that age group too.

all of the network tv skews older than any of the networks would like to admit—i think cbs is probably the only one that's actually relatively happy about that tho. (happy in the sense that eyeballs are eyeballs and the fact that they get eyeballs means that the tv system as they know it is not in fact broken—even tho

but there's snark on the show! (Dinozzo is incredibly snarky!)
I think its just really really watchable—again its really well paced, the characters actually feel relatively real-ish, and its an easy show to watch, forget you saw, and then watch again without realizing its an episode you already saw til about half way

see i also watch Blue Bloods and while its not a great show—i do think its a fine example of the kind of show they never make anymore that used to be on tv continually (esp on cbs) meaning the strictly "meat and potatoes" cop show *(meaning everything is very black and white and there's zero room for grey enigmatic

if a tv show could be said to have a mascot she would definitely be this show's mascot.
I think her role to the show is pretty integral in that she's the sort of upbeat friendly face on the show. She's fiercely loyal to her co-workers but she's also almost always warm, friendly and engaging to them without any mocking

not yet but check back in in season 20!

i always had a soft spot for Dinozzo in spite of the bullying of Mcgee specifically because of his continual movie references. Gotta like a guy who can take a situation that they find themselves in via a case they're working on and compare it to a movie they've seen…and then pinpoint exactly what would happen if the

i keep thinking that was an episode!