
to be fair 9 times out of 10 the one he's hitting is Dinozzo.

definitely big brother/little brother relationship there.
when Mcgee first started it was hazing but i feel like Dinozzo's has come to the point that he legitamately feels extremely close to Mcgee like to the point that he's probably his closest friend now—which usually just means he can needle him and get away with it

please i have enough trouble actually getting my mom to watch NCIS itself. (she's not really a fan although weirdly she did watch JAG when it was on)
I however have i think seen just about every episode of NCIS over the years because i've actually been watching it since it first started in fall of 03. I like a lot of

I wish there was good stuff on tonight—-been using tonight to mostly catch up on phone calls to friends i hadn't spoken to in a bit—new years' day is usually a good time to check in without having to come up with reasons why you havn't spoken to them in sometime—but even still i'm doin' it with abc sitcom reruns on!

over the summer TNT was running the first three seasons pretty consistently around 3 in the morning on most weeknights. I know this because i had the exact same thought you did which is wow they never rerun these really early ones with Robinette! (I wonder if they specifically ran those ones now because they were

wow first i'm hearing of this!
see this is why NewsWire can't take such an extended break like this—-RIP Uncle Phill.

i've been hungover just enough to know that the best thing to watch is something you can fall asleep to….and not saying something you've been meaning to watch and actually pay attention to but never quite found the exact time for like say the Seth Rogen Green Hornet movie from a couple years back.

who are three people who've never been in my kitchen???
what? tony curtis is still alive—you get him on the phone—he'll tell you he's never been in my kitchen!

Person of Interest
Parks and Rec if you're looking for a half hour show.

i literally love random tv show christmas gifts—i've given my fair share of them out over the last couple of years and i always love the idea of someone discovering a new show (or at least you know really getting to like one) that they never saw before. I've never given Elementary before but in the past i have given

you mean kinda like the way that international markets now tend to get the same movies' opening day generally within a week or two of each other? (at least for the giant bigger ones expected to make a lot of money)

yeah its almost downright miraculous considering its a cbs proceederal but the characterizations on Elementary have actually proven to be better—-which is not something i would've ever thought before the show started airing (or even slightly after those first couple of episodes aired either) its a really good show

"I'm already awake"

Happy New Year Rockrocky!!! I hope the year treats you really really well good sir…and i also hope i can one day figure out a way to stop having to post under my real name and back under mbs. c'mon disqus—get it together man!

i'm 31!!!! (i don't really have a follow-up to that statement—except that i still need to do everything you've said you need to do as well—the heavy duty moving forward stuff. Happy New Year Ann03!!!)

last i saw—-buried in the middle of the day on the alternate lifetime channel—-the one that aires on like channel 120something—i don't know why lifetime has another channel that isn't only movies either—it just does!

i liked it a lottt when i saw it in theaters—but i suspect when i think back on it that a good reason why i liked it so much was the complete and utter enthusiasm of everyone in the audience watching it alongside me just like what happened during the opening weekend showing i saw of Snakes On The Plane. God that was

but mass hysteria is probably one of the few things the internet does really really well.

I like to think Carl Rinsch is somewhere right now not worrying about how much money this movie takes in—because Carl Rinsch is deliriously happy that its finally seeing the light of a movie theater. There's a little Carl Rinsch in each of us.

Something about this coming out on christmas day alongside five other new releases made me strangely happy. I mean there wasn't a doubt in my mind that it would get absolutely killed by stuff like Grudge Match or Walter Mitty but just knowing that for once a big studio took a chance on something so bizzare and instead