Kawhi the kingslayer

Yup, this threw me off the whole time. Enjoyed seeing her on screen but her character makes no sense other than to basically pull off whatever nonsensical plot twist the writers couldn’t actually think their way through.

Replying to myself to also note that the way she rolls her “r’s” in Petrov’s name is fucking stupid too. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! :)

No. Just no.

Hey, at least Mike Pence is no longer your governor!

Hang in there, Neil Jung!

This is one of the worst weeks of my life. Someone hit my car and fucked up the driver-side passenger door and didn’t leave a note, I got dumped via email and now this.

Eh, never good to demonstrate for your critics exactly what they accuse you of. There was no good reason to send out that tweet, and it will help the alt right PR machine convert a few more against the MSM. :/

“So are we.”

The N Korean middle launches are news. KJU is a madman. Starving his people. His regime is a joke. China is pissed at him for having his brother murdered in February. He is not a rational actor. Read Bob Bill.

vladimir, is that you?

He didn’t set off nukes so often a decade ago, so there’s a small upgrade possible in the outcome.

You’re right. As long as it can’t hit us who cares if it happens. It’s not as if we’ll have to intervene if our allies are hit so let’s ignore the situation until those missiles can at least hit Alaska.

For the last 8 years we had sane and capable president. Now we have a cranky toddler in charge of the military. Kim acting crazy is a lot scarier when the man baby in charge is dumb as fuck.

Rosenstein was pissed by Trump trying to pass off blame of the Comey firing onto him. Trump is finally running into people who aren’t total sycophants and it just makes him so. fucking. mad.

I dunno, I think it goes to Kawhi. I mean, he outplayed Harden in the elimination game and he didn’t even play.


The problem is, that the writer delivers not a shroud of evidence, that the conversation was unwanted. She believes that is is on her to decide, what is or isn’t allowed, as far as flirting is concerned. Oh my, he complimented her on her makeup! That monster! Let’s report him to the authorities. The poor little thing

This woman was patiently waiting in line, seemingly talking to a man of her own accord. The writer offers no evidence to the contrary, yet she acts as the arbiter of what this woman should deem appropriate as far the guy’s flirtatious tone was concerned. Shouldn’t this woman decide, whether the guy went too far

My friend even told me later that I had asked for the man to assault me by talking to him.

His dom could probably tell you.