Kawhi the kingslayer

The white guy was Evans. Evan Evans from Evanston Illinois. Went on to serve on the USS Evanston and was the man who launched the first cruise missile at Saddam to open the Gulf War.

Why do you give a shit if they were having non-vaginal sex at all? How does it impact your life in even the slightest way whether these two are or are not having sex?

Yup, I don’t get why this site is so thoroughly confused by the notion that a couple can actually decide not to have sex for personal reasons. It’s pretty damn insulting to all the people who have made those choices when it’s presented as this alien thing that no human can possibly do. It’s like they want to “shame”

Ugh. It is noones business what you and your partner decided worked best and was comfortable physically and I’m personally offended that people are giving you crap about it!

WTF? Mercifully, I can’t stand crowds for more than short periods of time, but with my daughter being 12, and “developing”, and there are definitely certain activities with large crowds that we get into over the summer, are we just going to have to start carrying knives now? Is this what it has come to?

We have to feed the delusion that teams belong to cities and not rootless billionaires who DNGAF.

Please stop, elitist bullshit is a HUMAN thing, being petty is a HUMAN thing, people will use ANYTHING to try to create some division between themselves and others. Im not a CONSOLE peasant I’m a pc douche bag, oh your not a REAL gamer you only play on the Wii, your not a REAL car enthusiast you didn’t build yours

To get true variety you need to play with the Junk Jet.

I rate it 5 dogmeats out of 5.

Right so you need to either draft them, trade for them or sign them. The best way to sign them is to be a destination city. The best way to draft them is to have high draft picks. And the best way to trade for them is to have assets everybody wants (i.e. high draft picks/players recently drafted with high draft picks).

Yeah because the Celtics have had such a hard time of it...

I’m being haunted by the ghost of Derrick Rose. You’d be bitter, too.

I eagerly await Sam Hinkie’s TED Talk on redemption.

I’m being haunted by the ghost of Len Bias. You’d be bitter, too.

My God, Hinke was right all along.

The hell of it is, after all this public piling on about The Process, with a number 1 overall pick, a bunch of other first rounders to play with, and whatever Saric and Embiid finally give them this year, the Sixers will actually start to get good again maybe! Plus they get the Lakers surefire lottery pick next year.

You really have no idea how this shit works. I'll be the first to criticize Kotaku for stupid/dishonest shit, but this is 100% true on their part, and they're in fact showing some restraint by not directly saying that this raises some giant red flags.

No it’s not. “Objective” would be a play-by-play of the facts, untouched by opinions or analysis. An objective version of this article would look something like this:

The day that Kobe tries to mimic that acceptance speech will be one of the most unintentionally hilarious moments in history.

Tears of rage as he remembered that other people would be enshrined with him on that day, and that the 8th grade coach who relegated him to B-team somehow escaped the car bomb explosion.