Matthew Maldonado

Wow. This developer guy is probably one of the most straight-up real and likeable people I've seen in this type of setting. I haven't made it all the way through yet, but he speaks about this game like a it was a labor of love. But in a humble and honest way, cause a douche would use the words "labor of love" when

But why Amiibos? They don't strike me as anything different from all the other memorabilia you could spend your money on if you're so inclined.

I've read your post a few more times and saw you know you suffered abuse. I'm sorry, I shouldn't be flippant about that shit. The whole shitstorm is goddamn depressing.

And ultimately, you and your parent/sister sites are responsible for spreading a lot of the misinformation that this is only a one-sided harassment campaign. Individuals on both sides of the tag have been targeted in coordinated doxxing campaigns ever since the original "Zoe Post". You, as an editor, have chosen to

All this game needs now is Mega Wailord and I'll be happy.

I'm playing Walking Dead and New Leaf also

Ughh... it's hard to be a comic-loving lady, sometimes. Every time we speak up, people tell us to STFU and "learn to take a joke".

There is a LOT of stuff coming out on the 3DS and WiiU this season. Bringing out a new DS model would effectively kill both old 3DS sales and *more importantly* it would hurt the sales of the WiiU.

Now playing

For the love of god, can we ban the word "haters"? It just makes idiotic socialites and pop stars look even less intelligent when that word makes up most of their vocabulary like a human Pokemon. This is the only acceptable time the word "hate" or "haters" can be used in succession:

You're the first person to mention that! I thought that was so cool. Haha.

Stanley was confronted by a ghost. He had seen the ghost before, time and time again. Stanley had long since lost his fear of the ghost and just wondered why he couldn't grab the keys by the front entrance and walk out of the house. Stanley stood there and pondered this for a moment and decided to reset the hallway

Please, don't mix Pyramid Head into this. He has nothing to do with Silent Hill. Not in a way everyone is making him do. He's the punisher in James Sunderland's head. His appearance in Homecoming and in the movie was a big mistake. And please, no more sexy deformed nurses. It's all related to James in SH2. They all

Announced in this week's Weekly Famitsu, Gunvolt's rival will be the avenging character, Acura (アキュラ)... Or maybe it's "Acula"... It's so hard to tell with Japanese sometimes.

You are making Luc Besson very sad right now. Then again, so is this cosplay.

Newsflash: The console is selling at a profit.

We can live with these problems. They're overwhelmed by what the Wii U does right. And that GamePad controller is actually pretty great. So is the optional (and recommended) Xbox-style Pro Controller.

Why I like the Wii U:

I actually just finally picked up a WiiU about 2 weeks ago. Target had the deluxe system for $275 and buy2get1 on games so naturally I picked up MK8 to get the extra free game. So I got the system and 5.5 (counting LuigiU) games for right about $400. Having a lot of fun getting caught up.

I am gonna just throw this out there... The quick start feature is THE single most next-gen feature in any of the new systems. It's INSANE how fast it is. Granted I don't have a PS4 yet, but I've played it at my friends, and nothing it or my Xbone can do is as impressive as starting one of the last few games I've been