Matthew Maldonado

I would argue that Nintendo does it's own thing because Nintendo already won it's console war. Argue Master Chief vs Nathon Drake until you're blue in the face, while I get Mario, Sonic, Megaman and Pacman in a single game... on Nintendo's console. Perhaps the winner of Sony vs Microsoft can challange the champion. :p

Can't wait to play Smash Brothers 17.
I get to pit classics like Mario, Master Chief, Nathan Drake, Ezio, Gordon Freeman, and CoD soldier against each other in an all-out free-for-all!

Now to prepare for tomorrow:

"You won't be seeing Mr. Iwata in person at E3 next week," they wrote in an e-mail. "He's been instructed by his physician not to travel overseas in the immediate future, and so he will not be making the trip to Los Angeles. Please understand that it is business as usual for Mr. Iwata, and he continues his normal


I already possess cats. I need a bit more than that, game.

Rainbow Road should be the coolest track, but it easily gets beat out by Electrodome.

Couldn't resist

Nintendo just invited us to two big evening Q&As during E3, one for Super Smash Bros. and the other for... "a new game for 3DS." What could it be?

More likely a more mainstream approach like the Wii, including home health monitoring.

why not BOTH? Or better yet just create a way to dock a wii-u to a ps4 an call it VOLTRON

Nintendo chief Satoru Iwata has some thoughts about Nintendo's next hardware—and what it needs to before it moves on. This is from Iwata's most recent Q&A with shareholders and is in light of Nintendo's struggle to make its Wii U console a hit.

You are to give the presidential nominee type 2 diabetes... And the Man-churro-ian Candidate will rise gallantly to his feet and lift McDonald's body in his arms, stand in front of the microphones and begin to speak. The speech is short. But it's the most rousing speech I've ever read.

the man-churro-ian candidate

This is exactly what I did with the Wii. I had a Gamecube, but skipped the Wii last gen in favor of PS3 and to a lesser extent the 360. I got a Wii U at launch, not just for the Wii U games, but mostly for the backwards compatibility. There may be a shortage of current Wii U games, but for someone like me, I got to

Wait for me guys!

That's what...