In what world was he REQUIRED to start a larger conversation? It's a personal matter, and he says it is painful to him, so not wanting to open up the floor to a greater debate is pretty understandable.
In what world was he REQUIRED to start a larger conversation? It's a personal matter, and he says it is painful to him, so not wanting to open up the floor to a greater debate is pretty understandable.
It didn't bother me until I started using the Pro Controller. The lightness and the sudden realization I could adjust my fingers underneath the controller made me realize how comparatively cramped the 360 controller is.
Every once in a while I'm able to pry my Pro Controller from my fiancee's hands, and am reminded how awesome it is. The light weight is fantastic, and the absence of a thick battery pack on the underside (like the 360 controller) goes a long way to making it feel more spacious.
Metroid. Any format—2D, 2.5D, 3rd person, 1st person, I don't care. Just...distance yourself from Other M's story. And do something about the Zero Suit. That thing is ludicrous.
And they don't run their business that way. They've always been risk-takers, just in really weird ways, and when it's worked, it's been huge for them (NES, Game Boy, SNES, DS, Wii, 3DS), and when it's been weaker (N64, GameCube, Wii U), they've always been smart enough to find a way out of their troubles in unexpected…
I'd like to submit this for corrections: "Persona 4 Golden Playing Machine Is Coming West This Fall For $99"
Thank you! And oh man, all three of those would be mindblowers. Somehow I forgot to even THINK of a console Pokemon game. There was that weird bit of footage that looked like a Pokemon fighting game, and those trademarks for Pokken Fighters and Pokken Tournament. I meant to mention that, but forgot, blah. XD
Thank you! :D
I live a PC, 3DS, and Wii U lifestyle (quite happily, I might add), so I'm going to focus on Nintendo for my speculations.
The most adorable company president in the world needs to stay safe and healthy. I'm sure we'll see plenty of him in Nintendo Directs. Get well soon, Iwata-san. :D
I ask this question with no ill will, sneering, or dickery: how old are you?
I already possess cats. I need a bit more than that, game.
...wait...doesn't that kind of look like...?
Hail Mary PS4-level superconsole, or Sega CD-style add-on?
Sound familiar? Civilization: Beyond Earth, as it's called, seems very much like a spiritual successor to Alpha Centauri, the wonderful sci-fi Civ spinoff released back in 1999. Beyond Earth will be out this fall for PC, Mac, and Linux, which should excite more than a few Civ fans. Strategy game addicts have been…
It's...adorable. And I hope Disney Magical World sucks or is at least unappealing to me; I've got enough problems dealing with my Animal Crossing addiction. X_X
My fiancee REALLY wanted the white/red one. :( But her red 2DS and my red 3DS XL match, so we're content. c:
Why am I suddenly shopping for video cards.
Yeah, people are silly. >:(
And so did I.