Now you know!
Now you know!
X & Y continue to look like the best entries into the main series (not counting remakes) since Gold & Silver. Everything about it fills me with delight, and I haven't seen a single Pokemon design I haven't liked so far. I haven't been able to say that since—well, since Gold & Silver.
"We put speakers on it," he said. They tested the idea of players being able to hear cartridges dropping during rapid fire. They didn't like the sound mix. "The best speakers in the house are the ones associated with the TV and you essentially drown it all away, so it's not a useful investment. It's essentially almost…
I agree with salamihawk. Vanellope is fucking awesome, but I've never managed to enjoy Silverman's other work.
So what I'm getting at here is that your formula for a mature game is the following:
"Why do I call people with slanted eyes Asian?"
"I'm not offended by people telling me I'm european."
Let me just chime in for a second and stare holes into the people who spew hate on people for...liking something? Really?
This. Is. Awesome.
I light a single candle for your lost Heinrad. :( He will be missed.
"I'm bringing in all the bacon and eggs you have."
I love Heinrad. One of the few Transformers I own.
Definitely cribbing almost entirely from a 100% official Beast Wars Neo Transformer called Heinlad. Heinlad is pretty much the best. Let me explain.
I have been delightedly shrieking non-stop since I saw this on the Nintendo Direct.
*puts iPhone up to 3DS XL top screen* Just barely extends over the horizontal edges of the screen, but there's plenty of screen left vertically. Damn.
Tears drop from my cheeks, splattering on the lid of my red 3DS XL.
"Mother 3. Please take a look. =D"
- Satoru Iwata
*happy screech*
I live in the middle of nowhere-ish, work from home, and don't get out nearly enough to catch StreetPasses. But there's a McDonald's in town that has a Nintendo Zone hotspot.
Sometimes it's just difficult for some people. I'm personally prone to finding myself with an overall sense of how I felt about any given story, but I'd have to think very hard back to what I experienced to be able to express why I feel about it that way. Very "can't see the forest for the trees" sort of thing.