Matthew Maldonado

If motion didn't matter, then we wouldn't have three next-gen consoles that all (apparently) come with motion-sensing hardware (GamePad, Kinect 2.0, the new Playstation Eye). Also: 90% of anything is utter dogshit, so it's not surprising that good uses of the Wii's tech (and Kinect and Move, for that matter) were lost

Let's all stop pretending the Wii line of systems isn't/wasn't part of its particular generation. The Wii was next gen to the point that it prompted the Kinect and the Move. When you make your competitors move mountains to try to capture some of your market, it can't be denied that it exists in the same generation. It

I'm not a sports guy, so I don't even really need sports titles, but I can see how it would be a determining factor for some people.

This ain't no Pac-Man 2. Pac-Man 2 was good. This looks terrible.

God I loved that game. That is how you do a remake, ladies and gentlemen.

Resident Evil on the GameCube. *nods sagely*

Refer to Xicon for your explanation and a sound boxing 'round the ears.

Loading that up now! KLEPEK FOREVER.

In the end, it totally doesn't matter. Greatest Console Ever indeed.

Man. What else is in the running on that last? For me it's Mega Man X 1-3 (as a collective, which is cheating, but I don't care; they're inseparable for some reason), Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver, Fallout 3, Mass Effect 2, ZombiU, Persona 4, Final Fantasy IX, Silent Hill 3, Silent Hill: Shattered Memories, Super Mario

I've been meaning to look into Area 88, as I'd love to have some context for all those characters. Always loved the mechanic/shopkeep dude.

That final Sigma battle can be a real bastard to beat, but I conquered that game repeatedly. Sadly, every MMX game after that is completely impossible for me to beat. =( I think they changed too much of how it plays for me to maintain the same maneuverability.

Didn't own DKC or Earthbound, sadly. D: Looking forward to Earthbound on Wii U VC, and always wanted DKC (even had some weird promo video from "The Treehouse"), but never got it.

I can't think of another game like it. I think it's a genuine example of second-person gaming? And it pulls it off so well. I really wonder what on earth the developers were thinking when they put it together though. It's executed so well, but such an odd concept.

They cover what they're interested in, and 99% of the time that's totally awesome. Things like Red Dead, Yoshi's Island, Lego City Undercover, and almost missing out on DmC are that 1% that feels irksome. I was honestly scared they weren't going to cover ZombiU, but thankfully Patrick (bless his curly-haired heart)

Oh thank god.

That was exactly my experience! Man. Really looking forward to getting ahold of it again.

Trying to pick a best game of all time would keep me up at night, but it'd definitely float up near the top before I lose my mind from the effort.

...d-dad...? ;_;

Did not appreciate what it did to Samus's character.