Now I just have to sit here and wait for the Secret of Evermore VC release that will never come.
Now I just have to sit here and wait for the Secret of Evermore VC release that will never come.
Let us become the best of friends.
Everyone else has answered this question thoroughly, so I'm just here to remind everyone that this movie was fucking awesome.
I have to imagine there were a lot of things that limited them, in the end. He was dreaming out loud and in public, and he clearly had hopes for more. My bet would be that the PS3 and 360's hardware limitations were an issue—but bigger and far more impactful, I feel, would be the complexity of getting that gameplay to…
I love that expressing science to the layman has become even more important than ever before, and that so much new stuff is happening all the time. Science is awesome.
And then crashing into Chicago. Now THAT'S how you do a Chicago Fire, kids.
It's more theory than I have. XD Must...resist...second...playthrough...
I'm...still not sure about the tears. I really feel like I need to play that game again and more thoroughly comb it to soak in the whole story.
Or hydrogen. That would have ended Comstock's whole plan pretty quickly, though...
It was a delight to find that out in the game. I was always pretty incredulous about it being balloon-based. I love Robert and Rosalind: they're easily my favorite characters, when you come right down to it.
God I love that video. I love science. I love science so damn much.
And that's why Rosalind Letuce used quantum physics instead of silly natural gases. All the balloons are just there for show.
Seconding this. I would really like to know ThreeOneFive's definition. (I'm starting to look into healthier alternatives to Good-Tasting Food).
Don't you just fucking hate that?
Kneadederaser has nailed it. Don't get lost in your own world, your own desires—don't get suckered into the illusion that the only things that matter—at all, universally, to everyone—are the same things that you enjoy. That illusion is what defines Gamer Entitlement. Don't buy into it.
That's nice, dear.
Absolutely agreed. Environmental damage, larger environments, smarter enemies, and—and this is actually a real hardcore dream of mine—a city where you can go into ALL OF THE BUILDINGS. Nothing has to happen in every room of every building, but I want to be able to do it.
Honestly, it's just more evidence for me that graphics aren't really going to have the impact and importance they did last-gen. The lava and the lighting are the only really impressive things, for me, and not really by much. Gameplay demos for Watch_Dogs thrill me more than this ever will.
Last gen, I bought a Wii, and no other consoles. I also invested (not heavily, but sufficiently) in amping up my PC. I'm not into Gears, Halo, or Uncharted (and JRPGs don't tickle my fancy anymore; the last ones that stole my heart are FFIX and Persona 4). The only games I feel I'm missing out on are Journey, The Last…
My day is complete when I can convince someone of anything by virtue of a dinosaur-and-zombie-based counterpoint.