That's how monarchies are started.
That's how monarchies are started.
Oh, and the majority of shovelware communities are filled with mockery. Funky Barn is STILL a delight.
If Miiverse post counts are any indication, Black Ops II is the second-most talked-about game there, after NintendoLand (135,000+ posts), NSMBU (72,000+ posts), and ZombiU (30,000+ posts). Black Ops II has 18,000+, Sonic & All Stars Racing has 12,000+, Assassin's Creed III has 11,000+, Scribblenauts has 10,000+,…
If Miiverse post counts are any indication, Black Ops II is the second-most talked-about game there, after NintendoLand (135,000+ posts), NSMBU (72,000+ posts), and ZombiU (30,000+ posts). Black Ops II has 18,000+, Sonic & All Stars Racing has 12,000+, Assassin's Creed III has 11,000+, Scribblenauts has 10,000+,…
I had to think for a second, then I laughed forever.
Turns out it was Germany's fault all along. For real. D:
Perhaps THQ's poor financial state is to blame? They're selling the first Darksiders in that Humble Bundle for a song a prayer.
CALL OUT FOR EUROPEANS: Is there anything in your general culture(s) that would bring about this kind of change? I know Germany is pretty twitchy when it comes to violence, but I don't have perspective on any other countries.
Love my Wii U, love ZombiU, love Miiverse, and now I love Nintendo of America extra special, because this is crazy dumb. That's what parental controls are for, idiots.
Agreed, although I'm specifically thinking of ZombiU. That game is amazing and they definitely put tons of work into it, but you can tell the team wasn't given the full support that you -know- Ubisoft is possible of providing. This is primarily on an animation variety level, as well as some graphical polish that's…
I loved it. It's nostalgic for the first act, then it becomes about, y'know, actual characters, their development, story arcs, climactic action scenes—all that stuff that makes a movie good. The references in the first act are AWESOME, and there are a couple sprinkled through acts two and three, but that plays second…
I twitched. Then went through PTSD.
I banish thee, troll.
I laughed and laughed and laughed.
Lots of ladies on Miiverse. It's good to see them so openly represented on a console.
I'm 26, and I won't stop playing. Ever. And I bought a Wii U. And if Skyrim (just regular ol' Skyrim) came out on the system and played awesomely and used the controller well, my purchased would be justified. Fortunately, ZombiU, NSMBU, and NintendoLand already did that.
I've never played a Call of Duty game (aside from a little multiplayer, years ago), but things I've heard about the core gameplay have been interesting me. The Miiverse community there seems friendly, and the majority of them are reporting the same kind of praise for the controls mentioned in the article, so I'll…
As a writer who spends two hours a day on trains and buses, I've found it indispensable for those moments when inspiration strikes and you have no other way to let the words out onto the page. I get a lot of free-form thinking done in transit, so this happens frequently enough that Evernote is essential for me. When I…
I figured the same thing, but my hope is that there'll be a port a few months down the way. Swapping through all the powers and weapons on that touchscreen would make my life a lot easier. (I was not a fan of having to rapid-cycle between everything in BioShock).