Matthew Maldonado

QA hadn't confirmed it. Dunno if you've been through a development process, but if your QA can't pull something off, it can get really stressful. The staff was likely seriously sweating this, because if it wasn't proven doable, they'd have to go back and tweak things.

No co-op, just local multiplayer. Co-op would take two GamePads, and would probably be less scary.

Yeah, that's a reflex thing. I've gotten to the point where I can multitask bashing a zombie and doublechecking the pad to make sure none of its friends are incoming. Also, sometimes a zombie lunge can actually be countered by moving -towards- them and doing the shove, but I wouldn't go testing that theory; it's just

Yeah, I was wondering if I was crazy or just remembering it wrong. I actually capped this and congratulated you guys on Miiverse when I saw it.

The pad is indispensable. You will quickly learn to appreciate its use in the game, and shit your pants when the game robs you of its precious functionality.

It is everything you've just said, with the added touch of the use of the controller being completely amazing. You will rely on it for SO much, and you won't realize it until it's taken away from you. And it will be. And it was -terrifying-. Which was -amazing-, because I've never felt that feeling of overwhelming

I agree about the killswitch; I've had a couple long-lived survivors go down, and it actually HURTS SO MUCH when it happens that I seriously consider yanking the cord, but I want to stay true to the game.

For both of you: I'm talking specifically about the people who bemoan their nonexistence, which I've heard and dealt with with surprising frequency. My larger point is that these women exist, and to not recognize and include them is fiscally and socially foolhardy.

All these lovely things you are saying are a credit to yourself, and I commend them for you. Unfortunately, your words speak against you.

I think you may have just verbally imploded there.

I don't get these people who've somehow been unable to find girlfriends or wives that are into gaming. I'm on my third multi-year relationship (and second engagement (don't ask about the first)) since I was 17 (26 now), and each of them was with that supposedly Rarest of Unicorns, the Female Gamer.

You suffered sexual harassment and yet don't understand what you're reading? You can't see the parallels? And just because you haven't personally observed worse treatment being given to women, you somehow think—

I have endless anger to spread around on this topic, so I'll just say that you're categorically wrong and your facts are phantoms formed from malformed observations.

It's the Super Nintendo of Wiis. It's the PS2 Slim of Wiis. It'll sell alongside the Wii U just like the PS2 did with the PS3.

If you don't have a Wii U, you're missing out. XD Communities for shovelware like Funky Barn are flooded with comedy, and the NintendoLand community is chock full of amazing fan art.

Actually, after some thinking an looking over what it is, it's actually -definitely- a system for your kids. As in, it goes in their bedroom, or perhaps the living room (or family room) that they spend a lot of time going unobserved. From strictly anecdotal experience, at this point I've seen a number of Wiis ending

I agree with Lpollet, and as a heavy Miiverse user, I'd like to point out that the censorship encourages people to get very creative when they're angry at games or one another. Ever seen two artists have a doodle flamewar? It is -transcendent-.

I love Nintendo, but I just woke up and am concerned I am still asleep, because this is -weird-.

The Wiimote wasn't a peripheral, and the GamePad isn't, either. That domain is for the Kinect and the Move, which is why the latter two continue to languish.

People have opinions, and for some reason they love to fight about them. They settle into unspoken tribes and squabble. I'm pretty sure these are just modern-day manifestations of primitive tribal social structures.