Matthew Maldonado

We should swap Nintendo Network IDs!

That's the way to go! >D

Love the Miiverse evisceration of that dude. XD

That is EXACTLY where I died with my second-best survivor (2 hours+), although it was at the stupid keypad door. I freaked out and couldn't get my shit together enough to defend myself. The second time around I got me some landmines and lured the remaining zombies (including my former survivor) to it, and got my stuff

I use a 360 controller on my PC, but only for things like Batman and Assassin's Creed. I use the mouse/keyboard for FPSes, so maybe that's why I adapted quicker to the GamePad.

Also, I managed to keep one survivor for over 3 hours and then screwed up in the aforementioned exploding zombie/Virucide misstep. Hoping I can get my stuff back when I get home.

And now you don't have to suffer the same evisceration on Miiverse that other outlets received. Hurrah! =D

Can we return to the fact that the sales numbers are literally in the article and you refuse to parse them logically?

It was mine. No regrets with the Wii, even less with the Wii U.

The majority of "console" games I care about will come out on PC, and I'll pick them up for crazy cheap on Steam. All the Nintendo games, Wii U exclusives (ZombiU <3), indie games, and ports with excellent use of the GamePad will get my dollars day one if the reviews are positive. Durango and Orbis are unlikely to

New Super Mario Bros. U is good for when you want to relax a little, and ZombiU is an EXCELLENT game if you like to be stressed, terrified, and challenged.

See further down in the comments to see how quick the twist came.

*tries to imagine how much doublethink you had to engineer to make those numbers "not really that much" while at the same time having the Wii and 360 comparison numbers in the same article*

All of the internets.

Metroid: Other M. $10. Because I'm into self-harm.

Already got mine. I was confident on the Wii, and I'm even more confident in the Wii U, especially after getting my hands on ZombiU, NSMBU, NintendoLand, and the unexpected delight that is Miiverse. For those not in the know about the latter, every game gets it own community board where you can post doodles,

Please educate yourself, then reevaluate yourself, your perception of the world, and your values.

Ditto has no gender. It can be anything it damn well pleases. Discuss.

Gonna buy it, play the hell out of Nintendoland, enjoy it as a set-top box for Netflix, and finally dig down and finish Super Mario Galaxy 2, maybe replay Shattered Memories. I have a backlog that will last me just fine until ZombiU and Rayman, if those games aren't launch titles.
