Matthew Leingang

Despite standing in the sidelines, Gronk is still expected to draw multiple OPI flags.

This is the best one I’ve seen this morning.

Because, as the article says, “If someone feels personally threatened by what you are saying, his or her defenses will go up and he or she won’t be able to internalize your criticism”.

My method (for button shirts) is to button the top button for clean shirts (not worn since laundered), and button the second button for shirts worn once but can be worn again.

I’ve always just done this. Though I don’t bother to tighten it down like this guy did.

It would be much much faster than the find method if you had a disk attached or network volume mounted, or if your disk was full of mainly small files, etc.

  • Filling out a scorecard is one of humankind's most underrated activities, particularly during a sunlit afternoon game in the middle of the season. It keeps you engaged in the game, but it's a relaxed, low-wattage engagement, perfectly suited to the laid-back atmosphere of a random midseason baseball game. You should

I think that the only surprising thing to me is that they apparently shot some of this stuff in a parking garage and then layered in backgrounds, where a green screen or any sort of flat contrasting background would likely make the retoucher's job quite a bit easier.


Cardinals fans or Notre Dame Fans? WHO YA GOT?

I am sick and tired of seeing these "old people, they're so clueless" posts. And no amount of "present company excepted" (why do I think of Rodney Dangerfield telling Ted Knight the hat looks good on him, though) is going to smooth things over.

"And with really close people, you can just skip the greeting altogether—no one starts an email with "Hey Mom."

(raises hand) I do.

Yeah, geometry, bitch!!

Workout with a friend. It's like having a portable comfort zone following you around.

This PSA brought to you by LinkedIn, the social media outlet you can't quit.

Might be my naivete, and I don't mean to be nit-picky, but is "smoked" the correct term to use in this case? seems to me that you're basically just sort of frying it, not smoking it (exposing it to smoke, low heat, long cooking time)

I had a hard time using the freeweight area of the gym for a long time, because the people that hang out in that space are usually huge. That's pretty intimidating. By working out with a friend, I could get over that and work sets with him.

This comes to mind...

Yep. It is borderline irresponsible to tell people to run in less shoe. For some, it works and they run pain free. But for others, it causes some pretty serious injuries.