Matthew Leingang

Yes, you can do your own taxes without risk. But a while ago I realized that the amount I pay someone else to do it is totally worth the time and stress it frees me of.

The radius of the circle depends on the length of the tape measure. Don’t most tape measures go up to only 25ft?

For simple calculations, I usually just type whatever calculation I need into Spotlight. For complicated ones, I have the Wolfram Alpha search bar for Chrome.

A full spherical view (as from the center of a globe) is NOT 360 degrees. Degrees are for angle measurement, and you are describing a solid angle. The correct measurement of a full spherical view would be 4π steradians.

I use Stitcher all the time for podcast listening. And Songza is good for finding a music playlist to fit your mood without hassle.

I tried on a lifehacker recommendation a couple of months ago. It turned out to be unusable due to a poorly implemented feature.

"After all, what's a life, anyway? We're born, we live a little while, we die."

TL;DR—diet and exercise.

This confuses the number π with the sequence of digits in the decimal expansion of π. There is nothing special about the digits; it's just another sequence.

$2 for an app which does less than a free one?

I would add to this advice that it takes roughly 11 reps before something becomes a habit (this is a made-up psychological statistic that I heard somewhere). So the first couple of weeks of exercise are going to be the hardest. But after that it will be harder to resist the urge to exercise than get out and exercise.

Cool trick, but I don't actually find mandarin oranges difficult to peel. I might try it on an orange with a tighter peel though.

Snippet: tyfe

I get that too. I think it's just ordinary muscle soreness in your hip flexors (the muscles which lift your legs). If it goes away in a couple of days it's not an injury. Stretching before and after helps prevent and alleviate the pain.

I interview at the entry/mid level a lot and I'd agree with what the questions are designed to figure out (can you do the job? why do you want the job? how will you fit in?). I wouldn't ask most of these questions, though.

I think it's a pretty standard question for college students looking to work on Wall Street (so say my classmates who applied for those jobs). It's not about arithmetic as much as estimation.

If I asked the question this would be the answer I wanted. Nobody can answer the question correctly off the cuff. Your answer is the unexpected/joke/also obviously correct answer, which indicates you have discussed the problem before and can appreciate it.

If the job being offered has negotiable terms (so we're not talking about service sector), you definitely do not want to accept immediately. The only time you have leverage in negotiating your compensation is between being offered the job and accepting it. So take the time to play it cool and do some research.

32-bit vs. 64-bit. Chrome tells me that's why it can't run Java 7 and I don't know why.