Matthew Durham

Disney will have to cut any numbers about women's suffrage for this film. Wouldn't want to offend anyone.

He has not been able to get an erection in a long time.

I do love her voice.

His street name is Sir Hip-Hopkins for a reason!

The VVitch - a New England Patriots Folk Tale.

As a huge Clancy Brown fan, I'd be interested.

So are there any other good rappers from Yuggoth?

It was a close run thing, but he pulled through.

When my dad watched that episode that seen had him laughing so hard he couldn't breathe.

Heisenberg's MIB.

We always said 18 blah-blah-blah strength.

People will defend not pass any sort of judgment on sexual preference, religious beliefs, etc. because of freedom of choice, but put ketchup on a hotdog and suddenly they are the righteous defenders of the faith against heresy.

That's the first time I've heard it called that…


Zathura is great. Jumanji is ok.

Ace Ventura Highway

Saul Bellow?

Well done, Latrine. I see that you have dealt with him appropriately.

He signed it the ever-lovin' blue-eyed Thing, idol of millions!

I have a signed lobby card from the Thing! He's a cool guy!