Matthew Durham

I ordered a ricochet biscuit, but it was after ten, and back then that meant no breakfast could be served.

I remember getting a nothing burger back when McDonald's had Never-Ending Story tie-ins with its Happy Meals. My Falcor Fries were soggy, too.

The Landis version was a lot funnier and used those awesome Nazi monsters from American Werewolf in London.

I think more than anything he is the reason I dislike it as much as I do. He is just a voice, and always wooden and unlikable, IMO. He never seems believable to me cast as the hyper-intelligent types he plays either.

He's a king bitten by a radioactive king who dresses like a king to scare criminals.

These blueprints are literally kicking his ass.

As are wearing clothes, using language, voting for leaders, and not murdering anyone who is from a different tribe or who has something you want. Everything that makes you a decent member of a civilization, is for the most part, unnatural. If you don't want to be, or can't be, monogamous fine, don't get married, but

Dr. Strange is my vote for worst.

And WWII, where they are outright Nazi analogues.

If you fail at your marriage, it may not be the institution of marriage's fault. It is also why those divorce numbers are misleading, because often one person who gets divorced once, divorces again, or again, etc. There are some people who can't make monogamy work. There are also some people who just can't get along

And is just a reprehensible person.
"It is their fault for being available to me."
I like quite a bit of the man's work, but even in his commentaries he comes off as someone I would never want to have an actual conversation with.

Also, the sorcerers who made the first Slayer were also black.

Joliet Jake, not Cicero Jake. Wrong Illinois town.

His songs on the Streets of Fire soundtrack are just master classes on melodrama, and I love them both.

Crom Pregnancy Hospital is the Conan story I've always wanted.

Comfortably Nunb

With or without Bowcaster?

Thanks to friend I have who is obsessed with Diego Luna, I get that reference.

Awesome. Thanks!

I'll say it. "There are evil white supremacists. There are evil Islamic fundamentalists. There are evil people who commit violent acts for greed, a reading of their holy book that justifies murdering innocents, an ideology that says that the death of innocents needed for the betterment of the whole, or just for the