
How come I feel that if Drumpf saw the kids on the lawn he would release the hounds or turn the sprinklers on?

Tears?? What a snowflake.

He wrote back to the Nigerian prince with hopes of opening the Trump International hotel in the capital.

I have nothing against The Rock but after this Drumpf fiasco the nation really needs to add some more requirements to become president. It’s a noble idea to think that anyone can become president but it is the most important job in the world so experience needs to be required. I think one has to be at least a senator

A little more heat and I can see Drumpf resigning then cry about how he was persecuted by the bully media. Resigning would in his mind give him a win of saying that he left on his own terms and he could go back to the life he misses. I think everyone knows that Drumpf is the most unqualified person to run the country

It could be John McCain. I heard him talking about “it’s another shoe dropping”. I hope someone stands up for what’s right.

I guess Mr. Perez really is the super.

One less job for Jared to do

I took it as the cease fire in Syria. Another thing he’s trying to take credit for even though the cease fire had been in the works for months according to CNN

Drumpf Talks tough and rips all our allies yet says nothing bad about Putin. Drumpf made a deal with Putin to help him get elected and now he is handing us over to Russia. Time to charge Drumpf and all his asshole administration with treason.

It was two hours of directives from Putin to the Presidunce. Remember dealing with Russia is like dealing with the mob. They will help you get ahead but when they want something from you, you have to come through. Russia helped Drumpf get elected and now the payback is starting. Drumpf is the only person in Washington

Now that they got caught buying Iraqi artifacts, which they should be charged with aiding and abetting the enemy. perhaps they will move on to poaching ivory.

No I don’t but the asshole hasn’t said shit about violence against minorities and his rhetoric has emboldened people to act out. I just find it ironic that Drumpf took days to even mention some incidents but this act he jumped on it as quick as possible. Maybe it’s because Fox News covered this and not the other

When will Presidunce Drumpf start legislation on his White man travel ban?

Funny how Drumpf managed to tweet support instantly for the GOP staffers shot but the Portland stabbing of three and the Kansas City double homicide of two Indian men nothing but crickets.

There’s no issue here, no inequality, She is treating her workers exactly the same way Daddy is treating his White House staff, Congress, the press, his wife, his kids, women. Ivanka learned it from Daddy.

if he spent more time choking the chicken he would be more relaxed.

When is the Cardinals Muslim night? or Hindu night? I can only imagine the pearl clutching if they had such a night. Why does one religion get a special night. What a shit show this will be.

Melania looks sad because she probably had to leave her tennis instructor/massage therapist/Secret Service lover behind in NYC. Her vacation from the presidunce is over. Right now she’s is setting up a bedroom on the opposite side of the White House from President Massengill.

I hate to be Debbie Downer but being an old guy I am concerned in the fact that he said he wasn’t ready for sex and yet he jumped into bed with you. I hope it will be great for you but I can see him flaking out and saying it was too much. It might be a real issue or I hope he wasn’t a jerk using that line to get you