
It’s an absolute sin that this allowed without some type of hearing for the people. Asshole Drumpf kept spouting off about he was only going to deport the bad people, another lie to throw on the pile. It angers me when I read about people who served in the armed forces being deported, that’s a fucking sin! If you

People are also excusing this kid because he can throw a baseball better than many people. If he was just some dopey college kid no one would care. Hero warship.

Exactly, I’m sure Drumpf with his massive ego thought he could charm Comey into playing along. The fact that Comey felt he had to record every conversation with this clown and not with any other leader speaks volumes.

After this Drumpf fiasco, there should be a new rule for presidential eligibility. To be president you have to have some prior governmental experience. I say you should have to be a senator, house rep, or governor to run. I cannot waltz into a Wall Street company and get a job without a business degree so why should a

When Jeff Sessions is concerned about doing the right thing it shines a huge spotlight on all the evil Drumpf want his administration to do. When the swamp says whoa, wait a minute you know Drumpf has no clue or no regard for laws.

Why pollute an innocent lake?

I read that the purpose of the beehive is to attempt to convert the bees into flies

I keep hoping that one day Drumpf will just flat out tweet something so damaging that there will not be anyone who will defend him. I want the presidunce to pull a Jack Nicholson from “A Few Good Men” and admit everythi g. I can see him cracking under the pressure. I wish he would just resign and then he can claim

By this rationale, Pence and bad hair Rand Paul should believe in no health care at all. Everyone will die so why have doctors, hospitals, medicine, diet and exercise. Fuck it all world.

I read this morning that President Massengill called Kimberly Guilfoyle of Fox News yesterday morning to ask her what he should do about The Paris Accord. It takes a certain kind of asshole to be so spineless that he cannot make a decision on his own. I never thought I’d see a president so fucking bad that he makes W.

She’s just mad that her pioneering spirit hasn’t caught on with her plan to gentrify an African American neighborhood for a huge profit or she’s mad she was rejected for The Real Housewives of New York.

This morning on CNN I heard this dickhead’s so-called apology. I guess the tough guy didn’t have the balls to even call the reporter to personally apologize. The apology is your typical non-apology, even calling the assault a “mistake”. I love some asshole woman in the crowd yells that he is forgiven. Lady, it’s not

It’s so disgusting to me that this thug won. I’m not really surprised, the gun toting “Murica” clowns got their guy elected. I can only imagine if it was a Democrat or an African American Democrat who body slammed a reporter. Everyone in the GOP and Fox News would be calling for his head! I’m sickened with the GOP

Even his suits aren’t his strong suit.

Drumpf saw the spelling of the country and thought Montenegro was the doorman at Drumpf Tower.

I heard Drumpf wants the FCC to outlaw color television and return to 3 channels and Fox news just for himself.

You know Drumpf just stood there and counted to 120 seconds if possible and then walked away. I doubt this asshole has any spiritual side to him.

It seems like she has had a diminished role this season. I don’t recall seeing her in a lot of sketches. I liked her, very funny woman.

Give Hastert a break, he was probably distracted by all the young strapping men in the crowd.

Eventually Drumpf will hang him himself with all the rope he has. He is trying to run the WH like his shitty businesses. He demands loyalty and if he doesn’t get it you will be fired. Then he has his advisors and spokespeople go out to defend him only for his ego to take over and under mind what was said. I think