
I find it interesting that this meeting was requested by Putin himself and the Presidunce quickly obliged, then the WH prohibits American press but lets the Russian press cover the story. Now there’s no American press point if view. The GOP needs to feel the wrath of the public because their job security is the only

I felt the same way, I found it wasn’t really the alcohol but I enjoyed the social aspect of drinking. Now first off you have to make up your mind that you are ready to walk away from alcohol. I can only tell you life for me is much better without booze. I do not miss it at all and I can still sit in a bar with

I don’t know if I have the answer but Tackle the alcohol problem first. Find a program through a hospital and explain all your concerns. 29 is way to young and your health will begin suffering. You will need to want to quit. I have been sober almost 20 years and once I realized I didn’t want to drink I was able to

I’m 52 years old and grew up with the notion that anyone can become president. For the first time in my life I see a person who has no fucking business being the president of the United States. I firmly believe that there needs to be some experience required before one can run for the office. I think one should at

As a male, I’m all for men being held responsible for sexist comments made and men get away with it way too much but I have a problem with Conway trying to play the card when she has routinely backed the presidunce on every sick, sexist comment he has made during the election. When media members asked for her opinion

The eye roll is well deserved because Conway from the first time I saw her continues to dole out one bullshit story after another. I watched that conversation live and it took all my resolve not to throw my remote through the TV because of the shit she was spewing. It wasn’t sexist, it happened because Conway

It wasn’t long ago when there was all the reports of spying through your TV set. What are the odds that this dopey administration turns off all settings to prevent that. Old Vlad is watching you Drumpf.

A Sharpie is the sharpest thing around this asshole.

Well the GOP mantra is that addiction like poverty, joblessness, and poor health is a sign of weakness is the individual. Just pick yourself up and improve yourself people. Totally clueless.

The cover photo of Conway looks like she was in tears right before the photo was taken. Her eyes look glassy and her nose is red. Did the presidunce chew her out for something??

This is the typical GOP thought process, if you pick yourself up by your boot straps and get a job you won’t be in this situation. Like moronic Ben Carson said, don’t let get people too comfortable or they won’t help themselves. They should go 6 months without insurance and see what it’s like. But no, they’re eating

Clairol’s Russian hooker urine yellow #2

Let’s see what happens when the GOP healthcare plan in whatever form gets passed. If as bad as they say, there might be a lot of layoffs in the medical industry. The nurses might want to hold their breath.

Overheard after the photo was taken, “Let’s get this photo over quickly I believe there are still some orphans outside that we can kick!!”

I think MO Brooks has cancer of the mind.

I’m sure Rep. Massengill would still find some fault in your lifestyle. Maybe it’s God’s punishment for liking Obama and voting for Hillary.

I agree with you but it doesn’t matter because I’d bet the farm his medical insurance is top notch that covers everything.

yep, the gall of the poor people to choose an iPhone over their health care, choices people.

Just this morning all over the internet is the Jimmy Kimmel clip about his newborn son who was born with heart problems. I guess that newborn hasn’t led a “good Life” because he has a health problem. Mo Brooks, I’d rather have Moe Howard making decisions. All these assholes keep spouting off that the sick will just

Wasn’t it just last week that Daddy’s little lap girl Ivanka stated that the presidunce is a champion for women? Now he cuts another woman’s program!! Fuck the Trumps.