
Fox’s response, “By ratings standards, Bill O’Reilly is one of the most accomplished TV personalities in the history of cable news.” My response, “By human standards, Bill O’Reilly is one of the most vile, arrogant pigs to stroll our planet.” Bye Bye asshole, though I’m sure you will turn up again like Freddy Kruger.

I can see the interviews looking like the scene from Blazing Saddles where Harvey Korman is interviewing every type of bad man to destroy Rock Ridge.

Did Drumpf consult with his sons Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dumber about killing the visas that the use for their shitty resorts and winery? Somehow I’m sure their visas will not affected. I don’t know how The presidunce will balance creating new American jobs while also giving every fucking CEO whatever they want. All

Is that you Melania? Just kidding

After this health report hits Drumpf’s desk he might just hire Chris Christie as his official food taster.

The items listed are part of the old Mar-A Lago menu, the new menu will feature all endangered species not being protected by the Drumpf administration and all the big game poached by the Drumpf boys Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dumber.

May Spicy get “passed over” for every job he will apply for for the next 40 years.

If I played golf sixteen times in my first one hundred days of a new job I would think things were awesome too.

The most aggravating part of President Massengill stating that the most important job of being president is being able to choose the next Supreme Court justice. Wow! I knew that already and that opportunity was stolen by the shitty Republicans (McCain, Cruz, and McConnell) I hope Drumpf is a one term president and

He looks like he could be Andy Samberg’s douchebag brother.

Poor Drumpf, with all this action going on today I doubt he will shoot under 80 this weekend.

He looks like a guy who knows his wife is fucking around on him this case it happens to be by his father in law.

Yesterday our presidunce stated at a press conference that he wouldn’t tell anyone what his plan was. Drumpf then went on a little tirade about how Obama was unsuccessful because he telegraphed his military plans. Now tonight our douchebag president notifies the Russians prior to the bombing. Yeah Donny, the Commies

I heard this dickhead is so anti-woman that he proposed taking tax breaks from the Cardinals because they play in in Busch Stadium.

No worries for this clown, even if Fox fires him Drumpf will probably hire him for some position, probably making equal rights decisions. Fuck this pig.

I prefer a 86 Trojan pinot grigio in a ribbed glass.

I assume the condoms are new???

Well there’s at least three women that fucked Drumpf, so anything is possible.

Here’s my thought on this, sometime ago Pence probably cheated on the wife/mother so now she put this rule in play to keep him close. Now I know he doesn’t seem the type to do such a thing but remember the GOP family first mentality has so many of the members preaching about family only to being the complete opposite

Or a law requiring a complete