
It seems to me that many of these bullshit abortion laws implemented by the redneck Talaban Republicans are placing the onus on the doctors. Where is the AMA to stand up against these clowns. It seems now they want to punish the doctors as a way to make it appear the politicians aren’t against women. The southern

Drumpf speaking about women is about the same as Fox News teaching us about Responsible journalism.

The Drumpf voting clowns will always back him no matter what he does. Talking to a wall would be less frustrating. The people mentioned in the article will also be the one’s saying “I am not racist, I have a black friend.” They will always excuse Drumpf no matter what. Judge Whatsherface on Fox used the example that

I’m telling you, the country needs to make him a monetary offer to step down. We all know Drumpf doesn’t have the money he says he does so pay him a few million tax free to leave with all his flying monkeys. I bet he might take it, you know he hates this job.

Nice call but Drumpf would need a heart to have one fail.

I think Drumpf’s tweet that states “must find leaker now” was meant for the DC craigslist ad.

The look on his face says he knew exactly what he was doing. He changes his tune when she grabs his hand. I guess if a lot of America didn’t care if a shitty looking orange man does it??? I hope the woman punch his nuts off after the show.

It’s all bullshit, In order to hire the visa workers, the company has to place ads in newspapers and then if the jobs aren’t filled then they can hire the visa workers. So the way they get around this is by placing very small ads in tiny circulated papers and when surprise, no one sees the ads they can say the jobs

The GOP is trying their best to bring this country back to 200 years. I hope that the courts knock this shit down. I would have a knockdown drag out fight with the school district that tried to teach my kid with a bible or if my child was excluded. Now any LGBT group should form with the rule excluding straight

LOL, Hope he fly under the radar with the hat.

All that is missing from these women is the quote, “I’m not racist, I have a black friend.”

I heard the Drumpf administration is implementing “extreme vetting” on all Syrian hampsters coming into the country.

This is the first election that goes way passed conservative vs. liberal. In the past I might not like that my candidate lost but I never felt that that person would ruin this country. While I might not have agreed with other voters in past elections I have zero respect for anyone who voted for Drumpf. This

Well I guess the whole segment should be renamed Tool Time

I saw the aptly used term Presidunce Trump.

I know it super sucks right now, but better to know now than have him flake out after the wedding. When one door closes, another open. You’re important.

Every agency can investigate Trump Tower all they want, they will never find any intelligence in that building.

Nobody taught them politics, that’s why the dolts voted for this asshole. “He’s not like other politicians, Trump has no fucking concept of how government works.” I hate to say this but it might take the people who voted for him to get hit in the nuts before we see change.

“So I can write off my jackboots as a business expense?” Asked Steve Bannon.

Of course corporate optimism is high, this orange fuck stick and his band of clowns are doing away with every regulation sending the country back to the industrial revolution.