
Of course corporate optimism is high, this orange fuck stick and his band of clowns are doing away with every regulation sending the country back to the industrial revolution.


That would be awesome to see or see him go completely Al Pacino from “And Justice For All” and just say Drumpf is the biggest slime ever and tell the press all the BS that’s being said then just drop the mike and walk out.

If I had Spicer’s job I would be downing a bottle of Jack every morning just to stomach my way through the worst fucking job on the planet, defending this asshole. When his term is up as spokesman I hope he cannot find a job anywhere close to the capital (though some other GOP puke will hire him). I cannot see how the

I didn’t know Jerry Jones owned a Brazilian soccer club. Perhaps he will be the Cowboys new place kicker.

I grew up Catholic and went to 12 years of Catholic schooling but my parents were never devout followers. In a conversation with my mother I asked her why they didn’t attend church regularly and her answer was that my parents disagreed about the church’s rule on birth control. They said it would be hypocritical to go

I just hope the media and the Democrats will use this quote and the clip of Drumpf saying that “Everyone will be covered” against them just like the GOP and conservative media used the Obama quip about keep your doctor. Whenever anyone wanted to go against the ACA they rolled out the Obama clip liked religion.

It was the stomach acid from all the vomit of his wife when she saw him come out to the spa in his Nazi speedo.

I hate to even write this but I can see Drumpf flatly denying disaster funds to tornado victims. I have no ill will towards people but I bet many people in those areas voted for this clown. Only when they get directly screwed by this asshole will they change their mind.

This asshole has no clue what these agencies do. Let’s build a stupid wall to keep a few out while the TSA will not have enough people to stop, shoe bombers, vest bombers, people coming through airports with guns, not having enough staff to catch incoming terrorists. The administration’s lack of belief in global

I heard about this giant budget cut also, the report I heard mentioned that because od the huge cut people paying for water will see a huge increase in the cost. I live in the Chicago area and the cost is already getting higher each year and people bitch about it all the time. Just wait folks, the moron you elected

Good luck to every woman who is doing whatever they can do to support this day. Our world would not be the great place it is without the hard work of every woman on this planet and personally my world would not be anywhere as great without the hard work, intelligence, love and compassion of my wife, mother, sisters,

we have a better chance of winning the lottery than seeing if Drumpf can go two days without acting like a complete asshole.

Hopefully everyone picks the iPhone and directly calls this piece of shit and let him know what a douchebag he is.

Drumpf is so touchy about this issue, I guess it’s understandable since he’s the first living abortion.

And yet crickets from the Drumpf administration.

I just went through this with my dad, he passed away at the end of December. Spend as much time as you can with him. lean on people that are around you. I hope he passes without pain.

The Donald Trump Jr. story?

With such a lovely father no wonder the kid wouldn’t leave the playhouse.

True but Drumpf has proven he’s not the best businessman and I think he just might take a buyout for two reasons, first, he doesn’t have the money he claims he has, second, I’m sure he hates being president.