
NBC, please, please hire Drumpf back for his stupid show!! I promise I’ll never change the channel as long as you get the orange douche out of office.

Tim Tebow’s adoption plan sounds nice, too bad it won’t happen because of Drumpf’s Muslim ban.

“Don’t you know who I am?” Yes, you’re the guy that just lost millions of dollars by falling down the draft until the third round.

The Shady Bunch grid could be so much bigger, turns my stomach to see this asshole in charge.

After seeing so many internet stories about Florida,

Of course he loves Florida. He has spent more fucking time there than in Washington D.C. Fuck this guy.

If he is into hunting, perhaps he can go on a trip with Dick Cheney.

When an entire administration has no moral compass there is no right and wrong. As I write this CNN is reporting that Drumpf is in Orlando to tour a Catholic school. I just wish that the school would tell him he’s not wanted in their school on the basis of his racist, misogynist, homophobic agenda. I know it won’t

Did the First Lady mention how hard it will be to relax in nature after the EPA plans destroy every bit of nature for the benefit of business profits? “Yes kids, just go outside and breath the brown air, maybe it will help since my asshole husband and his band of idiots took your healthcare.”

In defense of Pence, He probably tried to quit AOL and they wouldn’t let him. Seriously It sickens me how the GOP is just burying their heads in the sand while the country is being destroyed by Drumpf. Please have some balls someone in the GOP and start a coalition against this jagoff before he blows up the world.

Spicey was only the bunny for one year after he fought all the kids for any gum that was given out. Sources say Spicey was knocking seven year olds over for more Bazooka.

Shit, The Drumpf administration has talked to more Russians than Putin has, and he lives in Moscow. It’s so fucking sad how no Republicans have the balls to stand up and do what’s right. You would think that an ego of some GOP senator would step up to think he can do better than Drumpf.


She’s texting Drumpf writing that this is most black people she has ever been around at one time.

They would have had room for one more actor if they omitted the living person that made the list.

This just in Drumpf will officially do away with the Obamacare name and replace it with it’s new name The Affordable Care Act starring Donald Trump.

Yeah, but no one is laughing. Titles? The Impeachment Club or Sixteen Indictments, Pretty in Orange.

I’m surprised he doesn’t have a food taster, maybe the meatloaf thing was a job interview for Christie. If poison in the food can drop a fatass like Christie it would surely take out Drumpf.

Once a tool always a tool, you just know he complained about pot smoke and loud music from dorms also. I can see him getting all flustered by the partying while he was trying to write his latest paper for the campus young Republicans club. Douche

Drumpf might just try to launch his first nuclear weapon if Hillary was to sit in for him hahaha. That little heart of his would explode.