
“You think that’s bad—you should see my videos of the things they say at practice”

I wonder why Jon Chait didn’t get that same sense of welcoming from his women friends.

A veteran criminal gang with 3 women and a 72 year old master counterfeiter? Can we get a show about them? They sound infinitely more interesting than the Kardashians.

So no Kingkiller Chronicle book 3, huh? :-(

Oh yes indeed! Several men coming with my group.

If true, this is an impressive win for the Trump camp.

To his credit, Allen also called Santa Ana after their meeting to apologize again.

“Are you now or have you ever been a believer that man-made CO2 emissions are responsible for rapid global warming? Answer the question!”

He looks like the last clone from Multipicty if Bill Maher had landed Keaton’s role.

And to think, they’re not even the most empowered group of wizards in Washington.

Real or fake?

This is the United States of America. We just elected Donald J. Trump as our president. The term “slightest bit of street smarts” does not apply to very many of our citizens.

Now playing

Just wow, the US can never call itself the leader of free world . I am getting mad at a lot of politicians who are downplaying how fucked up this is, you guys have elected a fascist.

This is what I immediately pictured.

Well, hey. Trump may have a blank check to destroy this county for everyone who isn’t wealthy, white and male, but we can all take comfort in the fact that Mitch McConnell will push back against congressional term limits. He’s truly the hero we deserve.

So does your mom’s butt.