
Every white man is either a rich asshole, a jerk who thinks he knows what's best for everyone, or an evil rapist -The universe of Jessica Jones

Wow, this review sure is preachy.

I only watch movies rated FTPOCLGBTQ+

So… this isn't satire? I can see straying a little from the traditional bond (Idris Elba seems like an amazing fit), but with Steve Buschemi, The Rock, Kristen Stewart, etc. Why even make it a Bond movie?

You sound fun.

I won't be happy unless the next Bond is a transethnic WOC pansexual otherkin.

Ryback is basically a babyface for hire these days. He's thrown into a lot of six-man+ tags with the faces.

Honestly, from reading the whole article his dad didn't seem too bad (other than that concentration camp part).

Also, this is the way number one contenders should be chosen. Not necessarily a tournament every time, but have the number one contender do something to earn it other than not liking the champion. Having matches on RAW with actual consequences was a nice change too.

Best RAW in a long time. I enjoyed the hell out of the main event, it was pretty obvious Roman was going to win but it still kept me on the edge of my seat.

I'm interested in seeing a feud with split-personality demon Kane and Seth Rollins. I think a lot of people are. It's corporate Kane everyone hated.

On a side-note the 90 minute version of RAW on Hulu cut about half these matches and the cosmic king promo… but don't worry, it kept all of the recaps.

I agree with you on the Becky Lynch gear. It's just kind of weird and doesn't really have anything to do with her character.

If it's really a "revolution" can we maybe get some matches or storylines for other divas on the roster? I'm worried this is just going to be endless tag and singles variations of the same 3 women teams going up against each other every night. Give Nattie something to do and hopefully they'll add some more plot to the

The main event was actually pretty good.

Honestly though Darren Young is a million times better in the ring right now.

Sasha Banks needs to be the leader of that group, even if for no other reason than to save us from Naomi's awful entrance music whenever they come out together.

Well they're trying to sell out a pro arena with the developmental division so it's not really surprising they're bringing him back for one last match.

Actually a pretty decent RAW. I did skip the Ziggler/Lana segment and the first 15 minutes though. I really hope we get a Cena/Owens/Cesaro triple threat match in the near future.

Is there really a problem with that? I don't enjoy wrestling when I know who is going to win without a shadow of a doubt. Both sides winning can make feuds stronger and keep them unpredictable if done right.