
There may be plenty of time wasting and predictable matches on RAW, but at least they aren't 75% squash matches complete with jobber entrances. Plus there are some matches that actually could go either way, and the wrestling is much better. The fact that this week's show got a B+ grade on here shows how much people

Cassie seemed to pull off decent high flyer movers (her step-up headscissors move on Charlotte last week was really cool) but other than that she still looks really awkward in the ring.

I wish they would have given Ryder someone better than Mojo. The crowd seemed dead for most of the match, which is even worse considering their whole "stay hyped 24-7" gimmick.

For the second show in three weeks every match is completely predictable. If this was RAW it would have gotten a straight F from you guys. All of the actual wrestling except for the main event and Zack Ryder was awful. I realize it's the developmental territory, and it's awesome for what it is, but people really need

NXT is great and all but it's seriously overhyped on that internet. Its booking is much better than the main roster but it's still the just the developmental territory. Tonight's RAW was better than most episodes of NXT.

John Cena: "DAMNIT I'm not starting this match until you guys cheer for me"

I have to say, I don't really agree with you in thinking that Jillian is the best part of this show. Alice is much funnier and Pam from Archer is on a whole different level. The three guys make this show though.

Let's the play the "How to involve Bruce in tonight's episode" game! I'm surprised Selina Kyle didn't show up eavesdropping on Bruce when Gordon and friends randomly showed up.

Everyone knows Wall-E was a boy robot

Only if they are stereotypically and somewhat offensively portrayed

I'm not a gun person at all but I'd definitely say those things are different.

How does one "have" rape?