Matt Gerardi

So far, the only extra functionality I've seen Zelda use is the tilt control. You can aim bows and the like by moving the Joy-Con or the entire Switch, if you're in handheld mode. It's a lot like Wind Waker HD or Splatoon. You can also turn those controls off in the options, if you're so inclined.

As we mentioned in the article, the only game Nintendo provided was Zelda. I've played Snipperclips in the past, but only in co-op. Sorry!

It can withstand being on a table that's being jostled and moved around a bit. You have to give it a pretty direct bump to make it fall over. I could definitely see people accidentally bumping into it and knocking it over, though. The stand itself is kinda springy, which I'd guess helps with shock and from it

William's just finishing it up now. Should get published next week!

Jokes on you. I work from home!

That never bothered me for whatever reason. I think it comes down to the game being short and paced well enough that my thoughts never dwelled on any one enemy or scenario for too long. And like Doctuar said, they may not look all that different but the different "versions" of Molded certainly threw me for a loop.

Sorry, but nobody on staff owns a PSVR.

I know the feeling. That first trailer was kind of a shock, and it's hard to fathom how they'd pull it off, but honestly I'd say It's way more of "a Resident Evil game" than 5 or 6 and maybe even 4. It doesn't go for over the top gunfights like FEAR, nor does it fall into hide-and-seek monotony like Outlast or

But a first-person view can, and is, used to obscure views and hide enemies, just like the static third-person views. If anything, first-person is an even more horrifying perspective because you lose even more of your field of view. And the game uses that fact brilliantly, making sounds out of sight that get you

I missed this one! You're definitely right that the whole "set it on a table and play with a bunch of friends" thing is kinda BS because of the size of the screen. I could definitely see doing it with one other player, but even then, you might be leaning in and hunching forward. That's pretty much how I had to play

I don't think the dock could be set up horizontally. Gravity does a lot of the work in getting that thing in place.

Oh I don't know. The Nintendo 64 launched with two games, so there's that.

Don't know yet. Nintendo has yet to comment on what Switch's Virtual Console will look like and how it might connect to past ones.

The one important thing to note about the straps is that they're attached to a plastic piece that slides into and locks onto the back of the Joy-Con. That extra bit of plastic adds some more room for your hands, which is damn welcome, considering how cramped those things are.

The Switch version looked better and ran noticeably smoother than the Wii U version I saw last year. Those framerate issues on the Wii U could be cleared up by now or by the time of release, but there's no way of knowing right now. Judging by Nintendo's willingness to let stuff like Pokemon Sun/Moon and Hyrule

None of the system's weirder features were really being taken advantage of in the third-party games I saw, like Street Fighter, Sonic Mania, and Bomberman. All of those did allow you to use a single Joy-Con as a controller in multiplayer, but that's about as weird as it got.

Definitely something you'll have to stick in a bag.

And seriously, don't count out ARMS, which will be hitting in spring. (I'd put it down for May, but that's just a guess.) It is to fighting games what Splatoon was to shooters, and people who are dismissing it as "casual" or Wii Boxing 2.0 did not give it a chance and/or don't understand what makes fighting games tick.

The more I started realizing what this thing is and how it works, the more I got confused about the touchscreen. That's a huge feature that's completely unavailable in, what for most people will probably be, the default way you play it. I really have no idea how that'll pan out.

Yeah, that's the one little bit of legacy tech it doesn't have. I will miss auto-generated Miis. (And come to think of it, I didn't see Miis at all…)