Matt Gerardi

I did do that! There's really nothing to it. You put it in the dock (there's a specific spot it needs to line up with, but it's not terribly finicky and I imagine it'll be even easier when you're not dealing with stupid security measures) and it takes about 2 seconds to show up on your TV. The transfer to the Switch

You're welcome.

The Switch itself definitely felt pretty solid. Everything locks in place with little mechanisms (buttons to be held down when removing the Joy-Con from the screen, switches to flip when removing the straps from the Joy-Con), which felt nice and sturdy at the event, but I do hope they're able to hold up. I can see

Nope. Nothing different in what I played. Doesn't mean it isn't there, but I didn't notice anything.

Hey folks, just a heads up. Since there's a TON to cover here, beyond my big takeaway above, I'll be around in the comments to answer (real) questions a bit.

Not sure if you're actually referencing it or if this is just some bizarre coincidence, but NJPW actually has a line of T-shirts that features hybrids of its wrestlers with Kinnikuman characters—….


By "advancement" I just meant "levelling up," a benchmark at which you get access to a new loot box. I previously had a little aside in there about how the stuff you're getting is purely cosmetic, but I clipped it for brevity's sake as I don't think it really changes much. There's still good crap and bad crap in loot

I will defend that game til my death. Combat is stellar, and the story, while dumb as rocks and completely derivative, was shockingly prescient and cathartic. It's the perfect game for 2016.

This is showing my hand for Games We Liked a bit, but I do want to mention something about Owlboy that really elevates it in my mind: It has faces. So often these new pixel art games don't provide their characters with detailed faces, and that's a legitimate stylistic choice/result of the scope and limitations of the

Upvoted for that Akebono ref. *High five*

I just wanted to pop in and say I hope everyone enjoyed our coverage of these games! And as grueling as the task turned out to be, I know William and Nick certainly enjoyed bantering about them with you. I'd love to hear your thoughts: Did you like the crosstalk-style format? Would you like to see more of that? What

We're talking about two different things, sort of. Jeremy is talking about the game's admirable tendency to make interactible objects blend in with the environment, rather than giving them a shimmer or noticeable coat of paint. (Many of the ledges you're supposed to climb do have Uncharted-style markers to

No, there isn't a reason. I assume it's actually a very deliberate visual choice to help players pick the boy out of the environment. The game has that signature Team Ico look, where everything is kinda flat and washed out. When you take that style and bump the amount of detail up to PS4 levels, I could easily see the

Sony was kind enough to send us an early copy.

About 10 hours.

Trico's AI really is something to behold, and all the movement possibilities that result from its spontaneity must have made animating and programming a nightmare. I figure a lot of the work went into that.

Well, yeah. Bucks vs. Briscoes was great. And the TV title triple threat had some amazing stuff. (That Ospreay Shooting Star to the floor was gorgeous.) I was kinda bummed at the reaction to the KOR win. I thought it might be a little more rapturous. Not to say it wasn't a great moment. Just something odd I noticed.

I could see that, for sure. That's kind of one of those "Dishonored doesn't care about the big picture" things I've been talking about. The basis of every level is simple and unchanging (except during those novelty levels, where you're still doing the same thing but with an added twist). The game really puts it on the

From what I've seen, NG+ is slated for a big update next month. The recent PC patch was mostly fixes for that widely reviled version. (I played on Xbox One, for the record.)