I'll second Moo Moo Yoshi. It's just too cute.
I'll second Moo Moo Yoshi. It's just too cute.
I prefer to stuff a jelly donut with a Reese's peanut butter cup, then put it in a warm oven and let the chocolate and everything melt into the dough.
I was down on the soundtrack for the first couple of levels (though, I love those hand-claps on "Clawdaddy Beach"https://www.youtube.com/wat… ), but I found it does eventually pick up. I was struck by that funk track, too (https://www.youtube.com/wat…. It's DAMN funky.
I can't stress that "beautifully illustrated" part enough. The box is especially gorgeous. https://twitter.com/Gerardi…
It's just a 16:9 crop (the only aspect ratio we can use for headers) of a screengrab taken from the game running at its native aspect ratio. Soooooo
I love Blood On The Sand. It's a perfectly serviceable Gears Of War clone, and it has a cursing button.
I can assure you, Patrick watched ALL of these shows.
We don't always receive advance copies, and when we do, there's no guarantee that we'll get it any earlier than a few days prior to release, which for a game that's going to take 70 hours to finish—well, you see the point. Advance copies are becoming rarer and rarer as a whole, especially as games become more and more…
See, I had a feeling you weren't supposed to go that way, but I kept seeing those coins and thinking, "No, it has to be."
The review will come once Joe's had enough time to play this gargantuan game.
Snazzlenuts is correct. My best answer is: When it's done.
Basically, Ryan gave Alex a few options, and Alex picked the one he thought sounded coolest. It's mostly an aesthetic choice.
I don't know if he's played any of the team's other games, but the issue here is one of execution, not conception. As evidenced by the fact that he wanted to play the game so badly and Teti's specific criticisms—lines like "That’s a nice thought" in reference to the walk speed issue—this was a game that, on paper,…
Actually, Teti had been greatly anticipating this game for many months. He volunteered to review it ages ago (which almost never happens) and even nominated and wrote about it for The A.V. Club's Most Anticipated Entertainments Of 2015 Inventory.
Oh, absolutely. When it comes to the PS and Xbox corner of the industry, we passed the point where exclusives were a tip-top priority for either company many years ago—especially when it comes to whoever happens to be the top dog at the time. I just appreciate Microsoft's efforts, which yeah, as you said, they're…
Microsoft is also steamrolling Sony on the first-party exclusive front. Sony may have saved face by announcing Last Guardian and all those nostalgia plays at E3, but its lineup is pretty lacking, especially this fall. I can't name a single big PS4 exclusive coming out "this holiday." It was probably supposed to be…
New school: Hawlucha, because it's a god damn luchador bird.
Just a couple of off weeks. We didn't publish on 7/3 because the office was closed for Fourth Of July weekend. And like I mentioned in that little concluding paragraph, I went on my first vacation in a very long time last week. Unfortunately, we couldn't get someone else on staff to get KG together in time.
The only game I'm even remotely close to finishing "quickly" is Spelunky. My fastest time to the normal ending is around 5:30. For reference, the world record is 1:45—https://www.youtube.com/wat…
We very much care. Thanks for pointing out the error!