Just Matt

How awesome would it be to have a list name that actually starts with "Batman"?!?

Any sense of how long you can play before the battery runs out?

Catching up on this show via Netflix. Just finished this episode/season. Love this show. No one (as far as I can see) has mentioned that Cage's main guard who went to try to get Clark's group in the control room is one of the treated people and he ran off and was not shown getting killed. I can only guess that he ran

I don't know. I hope the show hasn't jumped the shark on this episode. I can think of about 100 (ha!) ways to handle the missile coming other than let's just sneak out the back and let everyone get killed. How about just telling the leaders to have everyone calmly get up and leave? Is there some reason we think the

Can't wait for the Lego version.

Disagree on the rating. Not the deepest episode, but it had more laugh out loud moments that any other show on recently. Sometimes it's OK to just be goofy and funny.

Philadelphia is the Paris of Pennsylvania

Ratzenberger was n Empire…

I tried really hard to care a little about this "controversy" but… sorry.

Yeah, they killed his family and found out he was jewish and then… just let him go so he will spend the rest of his life trying to get revenge. I can't see someone with no problem killing children not just finishing him off and being done with it all. But that wouldn't be much of a story…

He said almost literally, so half-figuratively.

I think the idea is that Hitler and the Nazis would have banned any book or movies that promoted anything but dedication to the Nazi way of life.

Disagree with the second episode syndrome criticism. We watched the pilot when it was an Amazon Pilot about a year ago. Anyone who did that is not watching a week later but about a year later. I could not remember a lot of what had happened but it came back to me as the 2nd episode went on.

He's clearly force-choking someone. Or trying.

I saw that at the International House in Philly when it was released. I don't remember much about it other than it was almost as weird as their animation films.

i like the idea of Bond's daughter following in his footsteps as more of a second/side series while the main films go about their business. Maybe she is agent 008 and she has her own series that goes off on its own.

I think you meant Definitely Maybe

Oh, good call. The Glyn Johns mix of Get Back is a great bootleg!

You used to be able to go to the Swans website and buy "official" bootlegs of dozens of shows that they had recorded over the years. I got one. They would send you a cassette tape with a copy. Come to think of it, where IS that tape??

Also missed the U2 Actung Baby tapes. I think it is usually called Salome.