Just Matt

What about the High Numbers live at the Marquee club? I got this record back in the 80s. Earliest recording of the Who playing hard blues at a little club. Check it out if you can find it.

Seize the dog?

I thought it was "Grey is my favorite color"…

It is sad that Tennis Samberg doesn't get the recognition that his older brother gets.

Wow, was Carrie Fisher really that adorable??

Mine right now is Wii ZombiU. I got about halfway through and just got tired of the pattern, which is: Run around trying to finish the current mission, at some point trigger a swarm of zombies that it is impossible to get by without getting killed, then have to start over and work your way all the way back to where

I am really curious what the "fact checking" at the fraternity would have looked like.
"So, John, you were one of the gang rapists, right?"
"Yep! That was me! Make sure you spell my name right in the article."
Wouldn't they just deny everything??

Yeah, it looked more to me like she was looking for a cue card that wasn't there.

What was the Gabe Kaplan movie where his car is ruined by a big pothole in the street and he spends the whole movie trying to get the city to fix his car? And yes, that was actually the plot of the WHOLE movie.

Went to see INXS in Philly just to see the Catherine Wheel open for them. Although the INXS show was still pretty good. Also saw Toad the Wet Sprocket at the Tower Theater mostly to see The Grays open for them. In both cases, the headliner was still pretty good, so maybe these don't count.

Yeah, seriously. Magic Bus. My Generation. Young Man Blues. Pretty much any awesome Who song is 10X more awesome when they playing it live.

Anyone else immediately think of MASH when Lizzie almost smothered the baby?

I think (and I could be wrong) that the idea is that she is a sociopath (not schiozophrenic or suffering from a multiple personality disorder) and she was born like that (?) or maybe was turned into that by growing up in the world she is in. I think the born-like-that explanation is more plausible and explains her

I think you meant "duller to watch". Wait, that's actually not possible.

Pitfall was always better running to the left. If you ran to the right, that log would get you as you entered the screen.

Hmmm. I watched the first 2 episodes and am underwhelmed. I am a little baffled by this line of the review - "this pilot is really damn funny, too". Really? I have not laughed once yet. I like the characters and actors and I still expect a lot from a Tina Fey production, so I will keep going. But so far, so mediocre.

McCartney basically did this with Radiohead's producer a while back ("Chaos and Creation in the Backyard"), but yeah he is overdue for another one.

This list was fun. Although Neil Young already did this with his album with Daniel Lanois. And it would have been a nice nod to Jack White to mention his Loretta Lynne album as proof that he can pull a Rick Rubin/American Recordings off.

How cool would that be if Patton and Knight wrote these scripts together and the movies got made??

So, there is a scene with a man, a male human, working on a septic line and the first thing you thought was "Look, a Hispanic!". And the second thing you thought was "doing low-level manual labor just like all Hispanics!".
Sorry, who is the racist here again???