“Fuck that kid.”
“Fuck that kid.”
I’m pretty sure many of us will get to see for ourselves soon enough.
Dude looks like he should be trying to kill Shelley Duvall with an axe.
Wow... This movie seems to be jumping the shark so damn hard that it actually sounds interesting.
Sometimes you can tell when a movie will be a future MST3K episode even before the movie is released.
This could be the dumbest movie that was ever dumbed.
How could you fail to mention that Ashy Larry was there too.
I guess that also explains why Drake and Steph are about half as freaked out as Chappelle.
+1 Thompson and Cleveland Steaming past them
Can’t wait to see how hot Karl can get.
Pretty wild that Stormfront can’t find a single fucking grammar nazi.
You know, they make decaf now.
if they want me to fucking tune in and watch football they had better fucking hire lars von trier to make a 30 minute ad spot of Willem Dafoe weeping oil black tears while dissecting a panther and wearing a Pope outfit and in the background the entire Dave Matthews Band is shackled to a wall and being sprayed with…
Finally! All the pieces fit!
I don’t blame him. They haven’t yet invented a cure for Sack-in-Mouth disease, despite Mike Pence’s best efforts.
So what you are saying is that Collinsworth is being offered a post in the new administration
So what you are saying is that Collinsworth is being offered a post in the new administration
Ahem. They’re called “Freedom Quakes.”
“OK people, step one is get that statue of Jay Z out of here. He said a lot of nasty things about me.”