Matt English

Okay, I fucking deserved that.

Sounds to be partly “Don’t you rip on my hometown” and partly “I don’t want to admit my hometown’s dark side, and I sure as hell don’t want foreign media seeing it”

Yeah, the faces are the hit leaders born outside the US, the graphic is the HR leaders. By coincidence, Rafael AT&T is third on both lists.

Paul’s picture made me realize that the Rams are too cheap to buy, which is literally just a really nice version of the Wikipedia article about bighorn sheep.

“...a company named DAZN (pronounced “da zone”)...”

If by some fluke you’re laying over at Toronto City airport, you can’t beat it. It’s right downtown (there’s a lil’ tunnel to the mainland) and Toronto’s a fun city.

Probably Holland, 1945, which explains why I’ve never been good at sports.

I was SO excited to put down an awful lot of money on Mayweather. Free money, right? And then a friend went to Vegas and asked me how much I wanted on him, and I sat down and thought, and asked myself, do I really want to wager thousands of dollars that boxing isn’t fixed? Turns out I do not.

Without looking it up. How many wickets would be considered unreasonable in the cricket match?

Burneko out here in the comments defending sentimentality is why Burneko is my dude.

Yeah, I gotta be honest, I saw JYS’s tweets and felt kinda bad for him, because I thought the article was about to publish under his byline in the Times. Only by reading this very blog did I realize he wasn’t officially involved.

Wow...I had just assumed that guy was the NYT reporter and he was mildly annoyed that Trump Junior preempted his story by a few minutes. Never even checked whether that was just some random non-NYT journalist who never had the emails in the first place.

Marchman basically vapes dip?!

Funny, I’m on my Amazon account looking at best selling books now and it’s not even in the top 100. It’s almost as if Amazon takes your purchasing history into account when organizing “best sellers” in order to prod you into buying something you’re more likely to spend money on...

Not all of Major League twitter demeaned itself. One team focused on what really matters today.

It also should be mentioned that a huge portion of the city works for the federal government. Public servants are discouraged from taking game tickets as gifts from clients and naturally it’s policy that tax dollars aren’t spent on season tickets to be given out to employees as is customary in private companies. This

The damage caused by Roger Ailes is truly breathtaking in its impact and scope. Professionally, he was a proto-Rove Richard Nixon accomplice and enabler who went on to found the most powerful and pervasive propaganda network in modern history, which was profoundly responsible for training millions to disregard

I was in Portland Oregon in the early ‘90s and briefly dated a hippie chick who had a golden lab. So one day we got super baked (duh), went to the park with the dog, and then walked back to her car, which was parked on the top floor of a parking garage.

“What advantages does this war have over, say, an ethnic cleansing, which I could also afford?”