Matt English

They’re still wildly popular in Canada on iTunes, which I’d guess is where most people get their podcasts from. They just launched the podcast version of their Fox Sports Live show and it’s already the #1 podcast in Canada on iTunes:

They already essentially do that with their Jay & Dan Podcast, which is incredibly loose and essentially just the two of them sitting in a studio and shooting the shit about sports. The podcast was hugely popular in Canada and they kept doing it when they moved to Fox, and now it seems the idea is to have Fox Sports

If you lived in the Bojack Horseman universe of human-like animals, do you think you’d be open-minded enough to date a slug or a spider or a rat if they had a nice enough personality? The whole dating scene in that universe has gotta be kinda fucked up, not to mention the niche porn scene, right?

Right? I kept reading and reading, then eventually skimming whole chunks at a time, waiting for some kind of kicker - the “and then he was found innocent on appeal” moment, or the “and then I went to Oklahoma City to hear from his victims”, something to give the whole mess a point - but holy shit, it just kept going

Jimmy Eat World
Our Lady Peace
The Streets
Billy Talent
The Bravery

If you’re going to post American Crime Story recaps on Deadspin, at least make sure you post them in the right order. The beat-up white Bronco getting chased around happens in episode 2, and the murdered-in-LA story happens BEFORE that.

Man, I can’t wait to see what the papers will come up with for headlines tomorrow morning!

A chance at a puppy based on being able to score on Montreal’s goaltending? Sounds like these kids took advantage of a Priceless opportunity.

The big helicopter crash shootout is on York St behind the Royal York, outside of a Timmy’s. They’ve changed the steakhouse Bardi’s to Matelli’s for some reason (both on the hanging sign and even the signage above the door)

If you had to replace Skip Bayless & Stephen A Smith with two Muppets characters, who would make the best debate duo?

After so much early promise, I gave up on House Of Cards’ increasingly godawful plotlines midway through season 3 - is there any chance it pulls out of its tailspin and puts together a smart, entertaining season 4, or is it time for everyone to just throw in the towel?

Hey DUAN, are you watching the Grey Cup? You should be watching the Grey Cup! I wrote a preview here:

Man, this hockey season is just flying by - usually you have to wait until the first round of the playoffs to see footage of caps getting knocked out

Are they really too cheap to add the penny cost of a plastic cup to the cost of a bear in toronto

If you’re a Buffalo-area exotic dancer, after last year, the last thing you want is reminders of what happens when a randy Orton appears outta nowhere.

[goes to an NFL game]

Let’s say tomorrow morning, a rogue terrorist releases a video saying that he’ll detonate a nuclear weapon within a major American city if so much as a single game of football is played anywhere in the US for the next month. The terrorist promises that if the next month passes and not a single organized game of