If it’s Tom Hanks; I’m done.
Shit man, you should see mine play Sesame Street on Netflix for my 18 month old. LEGIT!
I would’ve thought it might have looked like a real job.
“Hi, I’m Mike Huckabee, I’m a fucking moron, and I want to be your next President.”
“we finally get to watch the can’t-miss prospect hit.” Ya just fucked him Barry. Royal fuckdom. He’s a Cub.
Seriously - how sensitive and sweaty is your junk that it requires $20 a pair underwear. A PAIR. The Hanes are by far the best for the price.
Seriously - how sensitive and sweaty is your junk that it requires $20 a pair underwear. A PAIR. The Hanes are by…
I smell a Drew Magary post out of this!
I thought the reason giving couples money at their wedding was to help them start a nest or something? Give them a head start on life, not a booze fueled week in Cancun.
So... this all because something was said about her appearance, which she was a willing participant in and her hair was styled in a fashion that was sometimes associated with the dirty hippies of generations past . INTERNET EXPLODETH!
That sounds like every 16 year old asshat I've ever heard. Including 16 year old asshat me.
Straight dude here. Been to strip clubs with women before who've gotten dances. It isn't like pornhub is busting down the door to start filming. So you're safe from being objectified, lesbians! Otherwise you hit it on the head. Strip Clubs are where you go to get drunk and then wake up not caring that you spent…
You know every time this kid Google's his name in the future its will come up with "loser" attached to it... way to go Deadspin
I enjoyed Last of Us a lot. One big thing for me is how long the game takes.
But is it worth the $60 purchase or maybe wait for a used version to pop up @ GameStop, beat it, and return it?
Hard to see them sustaining this throughout the year and not to mention jumping 7 spots on the list from 2013. Sounds more like a tourism hype/brag when my guess more business travelers have to go through ATL because of its hub status . 'MERICA Just because they CAN accommodate that amount doesn't mean 28 million…
If you really take a deep sniff while reading this you can almost smell Jersey.
Cricket - We only have 3 camera's to film this whole thing. That's why they lost the war or something.