Tangerine Scream Plz

Agree, comrade. Capitalist pigdog car show should only review cars of people, not bourgeoisie garbage like Bugati. Do not wish to give proletariat aspirational feelings. If cannot afford, then why look? Is waste of time. Will never afford. Is only dreams and dreams for little children babies.

Why on earth would they ever do that? Publications make their money off the advertising power wrought by views, discussion, and attention—and even you still clicked on the post. If anything, the Chiron—and a battle over the rights to release its review early—is the most perfect example of how these publications

If your peers are impressed by a 2017 CRV. Shove your Peers in your CRV and drive it off a Pier while eating Pears.

Sorry but this makes no sense to me. You will throw away money because of branding? The marketing department seems to be doing a very good job.

Completely illogical. Sigh.

My coworker and I both have BRZs. He is constantly taking his to the track and doing autocross and all of that, while I spend some time on the cosmetic side and add in things like LED lights and sound damping to the panels. He gives me shit all the time “You’re using the car wrong!” I love the 86 community in general,

That sounds horrifying...


But her EMALS!

To be completely fair, you can go to hell with the other left lane cruisers

I don’t get this obsession with professionalism. I’m an adjuster and I have a bright orange car with black racing stripes. If my client’s, claimants or insureds don’t like it.. Fuck em.

As is customary, I will post the correct answer:

Or, save the money, buy a total shitbox/rust bucket (Craigslist Sunfire or something).

“if he’s jumping ship to the Germans that fast”

I see no mention of Republicans in DuddyKravitz’s post. Only conservatives. Or did you read “collection of fucking cowards and halfwits”, and immediately think of Republicans?

Serious question.

Awesome. Let me get this right, the Affordable Care Act costs the government about 110 billion a year and GOP considers that way too much, but McCain wants to spend ***an additional*** 86 billion per year on military?

Personally I think the budget should stay the same, but they should have the screws put to them over waste. The military has been operating with basically a blank check for 6-7 decades and it shows. We need to bring back accountability and make sure we the people are getting our money’s worth out of it.