
I’m so relieved the perv that slept with his wife’s adopted daughter is here to help us all morally navigate the Weinstein scandal.

It’s easy to treat people as accessories when you have no humanity. The talking pile of diarrhea (no disrespect to piles of diarrhea) can’t even bring himself pretend to have compassion for people that aren’t him.

It is a national embarrassment that this should be necessary. Still, at the end of the day- I just want the people suffering to have what they need, by any means...

My wife got me one from Treasure Truck in NYC. She’’s awesome!

She did not hit it big until Big Trouble in Little China.

Now playing

All she’s known for!?! Ahem. Excuse me. Perhaps you’re not acquainted with a little movie called MANNEQUIN??

But your brain is the same normal size. This is different than alcohol. Also, it seems ironic, but despite being tasty, edibles aren’t for newbies. They are much stronger and you can’t snap yourself out of it. On a little bit of smoked or vaped weed you can will yourself to think properly. They just make edibles like

Baby’s first edible. No one had told me about the dosage, and I just decided to have a cookie, or three. They were big cookies.

Can we please get Anonymous on this? It’s probably not hard, I doubt any of them know much about security. Leaking their browsing history should be pretty easy. 

I would donate a large amount of money to get their browser histories.

You made me think of my sweet old Scottish Grandpa who is most likely cursing and doing excellent carpentry in heaven.

I kept reading headline as “Aresholes”

If only it can be Katy singing “I Kissed a Girl” and then she does...and it’s Taylor.

I will absolutely miss you. Good luck indeed!


Unless you have an allergy or health condition that prevents you from using fluoride, don’t use fluoride-free toothpaste. Love your teeth people and let them love you back.

Destiny, still. Iron Banana this weekend!

I thought you were joking but okay, Lionsgate actually owns the option for that right now, and Lin-Manuel Miranda is associated with it.

Ed Sheeran as Kvothe in the movie of “The Name of the Wind”

Bought it once...never again. Feel like I lost half to the countertop.